German New Hampshire

I too remember when you could get decent NH from a hatchery. I had some back in school in the early eighties. I ordered them from the now defunct Stillwater hatchery in OK. and they did more resemble what a NH is supposed to look like/be than anything I' ve seen available now days from hatcheries. They just have way too much production blood added into them which I call (leghorny) small framed and high-tailed but they do spit those brown eggs out like there's no tomorrow. I have lots of them light ones and dark ones (my own strain) so to say, anyway that's off topic here. If I'd only kept those NH from then (hindsight is 20/20) I might would have had a good line still yet today. But as a kid lost interests in them and went on my merry way of sowing wild oats and such. Now I'm out there weeding my wild oats out and searching for keepers.


Oh Jeff, I can so relate! I've been pulling those thistles out of my oat crop for years!!
Oh Jeff, I can so relate! I've been pulling those thistles out of my oat crop for years!!

Hind sight is 20/20 And if I knew then what I know now, well.....I might just have more thistles to be pulling out of oats and everything else. But, just as Jeff said. If I had known that what I had would soon be gone, I just couldn't have imagined it would happen. But it did, I'm sorry to say. Ron
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Hopefully we all get wiser as we get older. I'm finding now, that I've forgotten more than I ever I have to start over!
Well guys and gals. I am happy to see all of the interest in these birds. In a way it seams that it has come full circle. It appears that alot of good people have a common interest as well.

Geoff40 - In all of my looking I never found anyone from NH with NHs. I contacted a couple breeders from NH in hopes that they knew of one, but . . . . It would be great to know that some people in NH was working with NHs. Buy a couple of eggs or chicks from someone on here.

Matt - I am a longsuffering Gamecock fan. As you know Auburn got us good last year. This year's game was agony to watch. We apparently need a lesson in what the word game in gamecock means. My younger brothers and sisters picked up on the interest. We even paid for Cocky the mascot to come to my brother's wedding not long ago. The reception opened with the 2001 theme song (our introduction). We get a little silly around here. I have always followed Auburn. I work with alot of Auburn graduates. In my business, you meet alot of Auburn graduates.

Joletaby - You are not that far away. I would have to look to see how far, but I would guess four hours without looking. I am an hour southeast of Charlotte. Kathy mentioned you a couple of times. You are Beth right? The one who's father's name is George? Kathy speaks well of you.

Mr. Presley - I am pleased that you are getting some of these birds. I am also pleased that you spoke for Mr. Braden. I had planned to contact him and offer, once and if, I had become established. I don't know what my first matings are going to do. God willing, I will know next year at this time. Ofcourse I do not know him, but my impression of him was very good. He was very generous. He spoke well of you. I would be happy to see him get some of these guys. Kathy is a great person to get them from. She does what she says she will do.

CC- It looks like Joletaby is going to hook you up. I would offer to help, but I need to finish getting started myself. If there was no other options I would.

Debbi, Catdaddy, Ron - if I could go back in time . . . . I have alot of regrets. On the other hand "It is better to be pruned to grow, than cut up to be burned" (- John Trapp) I wouldn't appreciate what I do now if I could change everything. I just wish I would learn my lessons. Catdaddy, I imagine that you are a quite lively personality.

Kathy - Good job. Alot of us got these birds from you. You have contributed to alot of this interest.

I am impressed with the generosity of this group. Now cull hard. Watch for split tails and wry tails. Don't breed them. There are too many sources to settle. Keep the size up. They are supposed to mature early and be useful so keep that in mind. Mr. Presley I hope that you stick around a bit, because (speaking for myself) there might be a need for a few pointers.
Howdy do there Mr. Jensen this fine evening, glad to hear such great comments toward and to each one of us on here today. Its always a pleasure to hear such words of encouragement, joy and satisfaction from a fellow fancier, and poultry lover. Its good to hear such nice words from a person esp. in this day and age. Yes this is I'd say a very unique group (NH's and people) and I'm enjoying every aspect of it immensely. As far as your comment "tords" me, I'd say I'd prolly stick out like a sore thumb ever once in a while, lol.

G'nite all


PS oh btw very good pointers you mentioned there in the last part of your post I agree with all, and yes stick around there Mr. Presley, your reputation precedes thee, If we get Mr. Braden in on this ado, then we shall all be in hog heaven I'd reckon

Oh and the comment on the wild oats I get that form my brother's siggy line on here. It reads 'all his wild oats have now turned into all bran and prunes'. Now Mr. Jensen he's the one with the quite lively personality, ask Mrs. Kathy. She had the pleasure of meeting him back in the spring-time, he's a hoot to be around too. If he wasn't so deep into his studies he'd be here mixing it up with the best of us I'm sure.
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Joletaby - You are not that far away. I would have to look to see how far, but I would guess four hours without looking. I am an hour southeast of Charlotte. Kathy mentioned you a couple of times. You are Beth right? The one who's father's name is George? Kathy speaks well of you.

Yup, that is me, and I thought that was you - Kathy has mentioned you , too, and it was all good!

I love reading all these posts, not having a single wild oat of my own.
Well, that was my first and hopefully only lie of the day. If you reap a little wisdom, caution, patience and kindness from those oats, that's a redeeming factor, at least!
Thank you Mr. Jensen I appreciate your consideration, and generous offer.
joletabey I agree with your comment - I am new to this (and sorry to have waited for so long), but I know what I see and this breed is spectacular. I want to learn all that I can, and look forward to owning them in the future.
Are there any bantams in this variety? If so how big are they and are they just like the regular size but smaller? And what about the meat?
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I honestly do not know about any bantam German NH . I have seen bantam NH once, at Ohio last year. There was one hen in the bunch that was outstanding, and I sort of regret not grabbing them, but I was looking for something else at the time. I don't know whose they were.
Hi Scott, I talked to Bill yesterday and he does remember you. If you will have anything available any time soon, let me know. It would be great since you are so close to him and know where he lives.

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