German New Hampshire

If you watch "Chicken of Tomorrow" you'll realize that "big bird" is all relative. The old New Hampshires in that show weren't big by today's standards.
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I just started raising New Hampshires this past year. I love them. I hatched a batch from Gabbard farms and although they're not as nice as the German line like Kathy's they sure are great layers, and big eggs too. My question is why are they so hard to find? They're not on the endangered list yet I can't seem to find many breeders. Anyway here's a pic of my bunch.
They are not on an endangered list because all of the hatcheries have what they call New Hampshires. There is only one that carries what I would call a New Hampshire (that I know of), but they are not in good shape. There is only a few breeders of New Hampshires (LF) in the country, and a few more that would say that they were. Most that have them just aquired them. The German strain originates from a single source, and they are in need of a little work themselves. You do actually have New Hampshires, so don't let anyone knock them. You do have something to work with. Good luck, and I like your birds.
If you watch "Chicken of Tomorrow" you'll realize that "big bird" is all relative. The old New Hampshires in that sow weren't big by today's standards.

Big compared to . . . . ? To commercial broilers they are small, but the best that I can tell is that the NHs in the video is close to typical of 12 wk birds (which they are 12 wks). You are right, large is relative to the object compared to. I was concerned that some that I aquired were a bit light. I weighed mine and they were a half pound shy of standard weight at 18 wks from one year. I was mentally comparing them to some BRs that are at 10lbs. In comparison, they were light.
Thanks gjensen. I'm actually very proud of my bunch and I'm eager to start breeding them and getting them up to standard. It just seems not many people raise them and it's hard to find good ones that are not from hatcheries. I've got a couple in the incubator now that are due to hatch from banjoejoe and hopefully I'll get a few more from Kathy this spring and I can start a nice workable flock.
I really like yours, and they look to be the correct color, according to what a certain judge has said of the SOP description and the German line comparison.
Someone said crossing the American and German lines works well, so I for one will be anxious to see what you end up with if you get some from Kathy. I love this breed, and hope we can all keep doing good things here.
If you watch "Chicken of Tomorrow" you'll realize that "big bird" is all relative. The old New Hampshires in that show weren't big by today's standards.

Big compared to . . . . ? To commercial broilers they are small, but the best that I can tell is that the NHs in the video is close to typical of 12 wk birds (which they are 12 wks). You are right, large is relative to the object compared to. I was concerned that some that I aquired were a bit light. I weighed mine and they were a half pound shy of standard weight at 18 wks from one year. I was mentally comparing them to some BRs that are at 10lbs. In comparison, they were light.

It has been my (limited) experience that the "dual-purpose" breeds sold by hatcheries do not measure up to published standards. They make great layers, but they do not grow to standard size. And, those birds that do grow to standard size, do not do it quickly.
Other than the colour on the hens being darker than the standard, what are things this line is lacking? Are they fast to grow out? Hows their egg laying? Whats the average age they start laying? Are they close to the standard in size? Has anyone shown this line?
I believe banjoejoe4783 has shown some of his and won blue ribbons. I couldn't tell you the catagory they were entered in. As for growth rate and egg laying I don't know yet. I've got a few in the incubator so I'll find out in time, but I'm sure he or Kathyinmo could answer.

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