German New Hampshire

Well it depends on each individuals circumstances as well as breed of chicken. For example, if they are good layers and you waited a few months before deciding to cull you can sell the hens as layers and in most cases you can recover their feed costs since they are at point of lay or close to it. Some breeds like Marans, Wellsummers, and Barnevelders are simply put into a production area. That is an area where they are used for their eggs only and aren't bred since their chocolate colored eegs are in high demand. (I know one lady near me who can sell her chocolate eggs online for $50.00 a piece!) If they are a meat breed then some people will process them and freeze them. The word "cull" doesn't mean "destroy", it means to sort into groups. As I said it depends on breed, the market in your local area, and your circumstances. But I would say that for the most part most hens are culled to good homes that want laying hens and aren't interested in SOP. Most roosters are probably put into freezer camp or sold or given away to others who will process them. Hope that helped some.
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Well it depends on each individuals circumstances as well as breed of chicken. For example, if they are good layers and you waited a few months before deciding to cull you can sell the hens as layers and in most cases you can recover their feed costs since they are at point of lay or close to it. Some breeds like Marans, Wellsummers, and Barnevelders are simple put into a production area. That is an area where they are used for their eggs only and aren't bred since their chocolate colored eegs are in high demand. (I know one lady near me who can sell her chocolate eggs online for $50.00 a piece!) If they are a meat breed then some people will process them and freeze them. The word "cull" doesn't mean "destroy", it means to sort into groups. As I said it depends on breed, the market in your local area, and your circumstances. But I would say that for the most part most hens are culled to good homes that want laying hens and aren't interested in SOP. Most roosters are probably put into freezer camp or sold or given away to others who will process them. Hope that helped some.

Yes that makes since to me. I was under the impresstion that cull ment distroy or process and so I was thinking why wouldn't you.....___________ instead.

Thank you for your responce,
I was wondering that myself Chris. I'd love to start a project like this too but lord, what would I do with 200 culls. I am trying to get a free range egg business/hobby going but that is a lot of chickens.
It is not a project for everyone, believe me. I give away tons of chicks. We eat lots of chicken, too.
I was wondering that myself Chris. I'd love to start a project like this too but lord, what would I do with 200 culls. I am trying to get a free range egg business/hobby going but that is a lot of chickens.

Yea that's what I was thinking. I guess I would half to have a big party with all my friends and neighbors! We could have BBQ chicken, chicken gumbo, fried chicken, smoked chicken, drunken chicken....I'm starting to sound something like the one guy from the Bubba/Gump Shrimp comp in the movie Forest Gump.


Chicken salad, chicken frick-a-say (spelling), chicken on the barbee chicken jambalaya.......
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Just received my NH hatching eggs from Luanne (cpartist) that I won on auction and will be putting them in the bator tonight. Hoping for a wonderful hatch. These sure are some beeeauuutifullllll birds. Thanks to all that had a hand in getting these birds into our neck of the world. I will feel very proud to have them walking around in my bottom field.
And yo know what that means? It means you will have 21 days to get your camera ready! I am marking my calendar right now.....
Oh I have my camera ready at all times. ha,ha. And the worst part of this is is that she just posted another auction for more of these gorgeous NH's. To many beautiful breeds popping up here on BYC to keep up with. We all need a lot more land to keep up with all these. lol Sure do have a lot of work planned for 2012.

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