German New Hampshire

Nice Chris, thanks for posting the picture. Gee, won't be to long till you will be getting eggs then you can hatch some of your own and not worry about the USPS messing up on the shipping. I just put 8 in the incubator 1:00 A.M. this morning from Banjo. I'm sure hoping for a good hatch on these eggs but I never get my hopes up to high until day 18. I figure if they are doing good then, then I have a pretty good idea how things are going to go in the next few days. lol Keep them safe Chris.
I just got home a little while ago from Luanne's place. Boy talk about a set-up. She gave me the grand tour and man does she have some nice birds. I like to fell over when I saw these BR's she has. Anyway, between the birds I got from Banjoe, the few I picked up from Luanne today and the chicks that I have coming in a few weeks from Matt...I should be set on NH's for a while... at least until they all get a little larger and I can see what I have anyway, LOL!!! I think next year is going to be a lot of fun around here!!!!!

I agree buddy, next year is going to be sooooo exciting here too.Gosh I wish I would have started this when I was a little younger. lol
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I agree buddy, next year is going to be sooooo exciting here too.Gosh I wish I would have started this when I was a little younger. lol

Morning all I agree I wished I had started this many years ago when I was younger too. It is going to be a full year anyway. If and when I get the new coop. I want to build one closer to my home so the walking back forth will not be on a steep hill. I am going to hatch some of Kathys, via Beths NH and order some Ameracuanas from Cpartist. Maybe some Buff orps too. Have not made up my mind about that yet.
gloria Jean
Morning all I agree I wished I had started this many years ago when I was younger too. It is going to be a full year anyway. If and when I get the new coop. I want to build one closer to my home so the walking back forth will not be on a steep hill. I am going to hatch some of Kathys, via Beths NH and order some Ameracuanas from Cpartist. Maybe some Buff orps too. Have not made up my mind about that yet.
gloria Jean
Luanne's (Cpartist) Ameracuanas are really nice too. I had also looked at them yesterday while I was there. Really all her birds looked great.

Morning all I agree I wished I had started this many years ago when I was younger too. It is going to be a full year anyway. If and when I get the new coop. I want to build one closer to my home so the walking back forth will not be on a steep hill. I am going to hatch some of Kathys, via Beths NH and order some Ameracuanas from Cpartist. Maybe some Buff orps too. Have not made up my mind about that yet.
gloria Jean

That's the problem I have. I have to go down a bank and then to my flat 3/4 acre that is fenced in for the birds. Not bad in summer but to put pens down in there it will be a real hassle to get water to them in the winter time. I have to figure out something this coming summer. To far to carry buckets of water.
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i just found some pics on my blackberry from my sons last show and found this pic of one of the young cockerls that is showing great promese of beeing a great bird he is about 7 1/2 mounths and still needs to fill out some he is holding his tail a littel to high but usualy carrys it lower but when the birds hit the table with the other rossters it is like they are saying look at me im biger LOL

It's been quite on this thread....where has everyone been?


Hi Chris,
I've been checking in but no posting so not to much to talk about. I don't want to keep talking about my babies. I have 7 more eggs in bator now from Banjo and 7 coming should be here tomorrow morning. Will be setting them tomorrow night. I usually get call from PO around 7 in the AM. lol
Later buddy, hope all is going well with your new brood. lol
A lot of threads are quiet these days. Could be due to the site change over or either not much is going on this time of year. Hoping I'll have some german line NH's in the bator by the first of next month.

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