German New Hampshire

In the past, many of my inquiries about New Hampshires have been answered with the disclaimer that "this line is on the small side".

These inquiries included phone calls made to a couple of breeders who don't have a big internet presence, it wasn't just whoever I could find at BYC or other online places.

Regardless, I'm not so much interested in color conformity -- whether they have speckles in the hackles does not matter to me -- I am looking for that "old timey" New Hampshire that is a good layer and grows to a good weight relatively quickly, the classic dual purpose bird. (Yes, I know I am not going to get "roasters" at 12 weeks.) I'd like them to look good too, but that is secondary.

Don't get me wrong, I am glad to hear the comparisons.
I recently had 3 NH Cockerels......100% German, 100% American and a German/American cross (3/4 german, 1/4 American).

The American was the biggest.
The German was the smallest.
The German/American was in the middle.

The German was the widest.
The American was the narrowest.
The German/American was in the middle.

The American had a poor tail.
The German had a nice big tail.
The German/American had the best tail.

The German had clean hackles.
The American had black lacing/ticking in hackles.
The German/American had small amounts of ticking on neck (not much).

Back in November I showed all 3 cockerels, against another cockerel and 10 pullets/hens.

Of the 4 cockerels,

The German/American got 1st of the boys.
The American got 2nd of the boys.
The German got 3rd of the boys (he was young and immature and should have beaten the American if at equal age)
The 4th boy was someone else's.

The Best of Breed was someone else's hen.
The Reserve of Breed was the German/American cockerel. So 2nd out of 14. 4 of the 10 girls were my own 100% german pullets who were also very young and immature (hatchmates to the 100% german cockerel).

The german pullets and cockerel were quite nice birds.
The American cockerel was built completely differently. I can't explain the difference. Just totally different "style".
The German/American is a gorgeous bird and stopped most people at the show last weekend in their tracks. He is an impressive bird.

The 100% German and 100% American were sold last weekend. I still have the German/American.
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Well, here we go again. I bought two sets of eggs from Banjojoe when he had the buy now on the auction site back a few weeks ago. I received the first set (the buy now was for 6 eggs. he sent 8 in the first set and 9 in the second) and set the first batch 2/10, I candled them last night and 1 egg was clear, 2 are iffy and 5 look really good. They will go in lock down the 28th hatch date 3/2. Second batch is in different incubator and everything is a week or so later. Seems that I'm going to have pretty good hatch with these eggs also. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks Banjo
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I have some chicks and they are 3-4 weeks old... is there something I need to know about sexing them? they are kinda two different colors on their heads it that an indicator? Other than that I don't see any signs of roos yet.
When can you tell with these 3/4 German NH's
I have some chicks and they are 3-4 weeks old... is there something I need to know about sexing them? they are kinda two different colors on their heads it that an indicator? Other than that I don't see any signs of roos yet.
When can you tell with these 3/4 German NH's
On mine, buy the third or forth week you started seeing some color...Let me see if I can find some pics for you.

This is the only pic I could find. He might be 5-6 weeks in this pic.

Hope this helps,
On mine, buy the third or forth week you started seeing some color...Let me see if I can find some pics for you.

This is the only pic I could find. He might be 5-6 weeks in this pic.

Hope this helps,

Thanks, I don't really see any color.... hum I wanted a roo or two....
Guess maybe there will be one or two in the 23 eggs in the bator
Well, here we go again. I bought two sets of eggs from Banjojoe when he had the buy now on the auction site back a few weeks ago. I received the first set (the buy now was for 6 eggs. he sent 8 in the first set and 9 in the second) and set the first batch 2/10, I candled them last night and 1 egg was clear, 2 are iffy and 5 look really good. They will go in lock down the 28th hatch date 3/2. Second batch is in different incubator and everything is a week or so later. Seems that I'm going to have pretty good hatch with these eggs also. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks Banjo

glad to hear that your eggs are doing great i hope they grow into awsome birds thanks for the update BANJO
You just keep an eye out on here Banjo and you'll get all the updates. lol The first batch goes into lock down Tuesday. I think they are going to do okay. But who knows for sure. I never get my hopes up to high. lol

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