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Christy here. I am an Air Force wife, stay at home mom of 3 little boys and a zillion assorted animals (from the creepy to the cuddly). Have lived apart from my husband for 4 years....miss him more than you can imagine. However, in 15 months....when he gets home from Turkey, we will be moving to San Antonio and living as a family should!!!
I love, love, LOVE, my chickies. Not sure what my favorite breed would be....I SAY BLRW, but I love them all.
Hi, I'm Angie and a year ago I did not have any chickens. My DS, Hot Wing Stables, wanted to join 4-H and was trying to talk me and my DH into raising pigs. We agreed on chickens instead.

I am now a poultry leader for my DS's 4-H club, with 26 chickens, 8 of which are his show chickens.

My favorite chickens are the bantam modern games, and old english.
I am lovemychix. I want to have more chickens and so does my daughter. We are going to the Iowa City chicken show this weekend so I hope we get our wish...
I'm a newbie. My name is Jackie.
I bought my first chickens (pullets) this summer...
We have 3 Buff Orpingtons, 2 RIR, and 2 white leghorns.
I'm hoping to add some Amaraucanas (sp?) this spring.
My name is Christi I have six chickens with more to come in the spring. Two Irish Setters, Three Cats and more importantly three grown kids.
We live two hours from the Oregon Coast. One hour from the mountains and have the best of all worlds in Oregon. I can't imagine living anywhere else. I do wish it would snow more though.

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