Get all BYC members to sign this thread!

HI Everyone,

I am in the United Kingdom, in Wales, and I hae found this site sooo useful in helping me to start out in keeping chickens.

Michelle from Raleigh, NC! My favorite chicken is my little OEG banty named Thelma. She sneaks into the house in search of cracked corn. She talks to us a lot and she loves to be held
My name is Michele, I live in West Central Florida, not far from Ocala. My favorite breed of chicken is the Buff Orpingtons. Although I have several breeds as well as the Buff Orpingtons.
What a great idea for a thread

I'm Carrie and I'm from Central WI. My favorite type of chicken is the cochin and the orpingtons
Oh and Silkies, and D'uccle's, Wyandotte's, Brahma's, Barred Rocks, Sex links (GREAT layers), POLISH,
You get the point! I LOVE UM ALL!
Okay, I'm game! I'm Deb, honey, punkin, whatever hubby decides to call me at any given moment
. Used to live in the suburbs in Fredericksburg, VA, traded it all for the country life out near Charlottesville, VA - living on a little 5 acre farm we call Poppy Haven (named after my DH father "Poppy"); 6 chickens, 1 cat, 2 kids and a ton of wildflowers & wildlife!
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I'm Doyle and I'm married to mother nature "thats her nickname"-and she's a member to this site as well. I am an operating engineer for a large company, what I do is fix anything that can and will go wrong (facility wise). I enjoy building and am currently in a two story play house project for my daughters (9 and 6).

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