Get Blue Kote Off Instantly


6 Years
Jan 26, 2015
Little San Bernardino Mountains
My Coop
My Coop
Maybe somebody else has posted this information, but today I discovered that Lime Away will just about instantly remove Blue Kote from hands, old porcelain sink enamel and old Formica counter top. I had a huge accident with an upset hen who knocked over the open bottle as I was swabbing her. My sink looked terrible, and the Lime Away bottle looked inviting to try. Since it made the blue color disappear right away on the sink, I used some on my hands, and while it is not exactly gentle, it took it off, even under the nails. No more having to sheepishly go about with blue hands until it wears off. I can never seem to keep it off me, and this time, I even had gloves on!
Maybe somebody else has posted this information, but today I discovered that Lime Away will just about instantly remove Blue Kote from hands, old porcelain sink enamel and old Formica counter top. I had a huge accident with an upset hen who knocked over the open bottle as I was swabbing her. My sink looked terrible, and the Lime Away bottle looked inviting to try. Since it made the blue color disappear right away on the sink, I used some on my hands, and while it is not exactly gentle, it took it off, even under the nails. No more having to sheepishly go about with blue hands until it wears off. I can never seem to keep it off me, and this time, I even had gloves on!
Thanks for the information! I've had "Smurf" hands too, and people do look at you funny :).

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