Getting in the Coop at Night


May 21, 2021
Northern Utah
I have 10 chickens: 2 white leghorns, 2 golden sexlinks, 4 Jersey giants, and 2 wyandottes. They are all between the ages of 8 and 10 weeks old. I put them out in the coop and run about 3 weeks ago. Every night since we moved them out at almost exactly 9 one of the Jersey Giants starts peeping really loud and hops into the coop, and for about the next 2 or 3 minutes the rest of the chickens follow until they are all in there. It’s the same chicken every night that initiates it which is kind of interesting. The thing I’m curious about is this, when they head into the coop they all go to the back corner and huddle together, almost fighting to get intro the corner. Once I close up the coop they eventually calm down. Any thoughts on this behavior?
Yeah, we hadn’t intended on having 10 hens. We hatched a bunch of our own and bought a few more thinking we would end up with at least a few roosters, but we only ended up with 1 rooster so far and we gave him away. I think one of the Jersey Giants may be a rooster because it is a little bigger than the rest and the legs are a little thicker, but the Jersey Giants seem to mature quite a bit slower than the rest, so it’s hard to tell. plan was to have between six and eight hens. The coop is 4’x7’, so 28 square feet or 2.8 sf/bird, which is probably a little small, especially for the Jersey Giants, but the run is about 300 sf, so 30 sf per bird which should make up for some of it except in winter. And yeah, I could take the food and water out to make a little more space, is that normal to have no food or water in the coop?
The coop is 4’x7’, so 28 square feet or 2.8 sf/bird, which is probably a little small,
Yes, it is.
4sqft is the common space rec, but it is a minimum, IMO.

but the run is about 300 sf, so 30 sf per bird which should make up for some of it except in winter.
Unless you winterize your run.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
Yes, it is.
4sqft is the common space rec, but it is a minimum, IMO.

Unless you winterize your run.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
View attachment 2750426
Yeah, I’m in northern Utah, so it is chilly in the winters. I plan to cover maybe half of the run.
They are all between the ages of 8 and 10 weeks old. ..... The thing I’m curious about is this, when they head into the coop they all go to the back corner and huddle together, almost fighting to get intro the corner. Once I close up the coop they eventually calm down. Any thoughts on this behavior?
Totally normal. My brooder-raised chicks typically start sleeping on the roosts ay night somewhere around 10 to 12 weeks of age as long as there are no adults around. I've had some broods start roosting at night as early as 5 weeks, some go longer, but 10 to 12 weeks is pretty normal for mine. Until they start to roost they huddle in a corner just like yours.

Broody-raised chicks are different. If adults are roosting in there that changes things. Yours sound totally normal. It may not be long before they start to roost on their own.

I plan to cover maybe half of the run.
Mine really hate a cold wind blowing on them in winter. Snow can blow in from the sides. Instead of just covering half, I'd encourage you to wrap one end so wind and snow can't get in. I think you will be a lot better off.
The coop is 4’x7’, so 28 square feet or 2.8 sf/bird, which is probably a little small, especially for the Jersey Giants, but the run is about 300 sf, so 30 sf per bird
I had 7 Barred Rocks in my 22.5 square foot coop with no problems. I had two 6' roosts.
There pen was 200 square feet.
Both of my coops are set up the same and both Flocks pile to one side of the coop near the people door on the south side of the coop.

Now my 8 weeks old chicks are doing the same.

I keep feed and water in both of my small coops. The chickens only roost, lay eggs and eat inside. They hang outside the coop the rest of the time.
My pens are chain link fence and songbirds would eat feed if it was outside.
I've kept feed and water inside coops for 5 years.

I have good ventilation and use a heated base inside during the winter. My smallest coop is 18 square feet and has two 5' roosts. GC
And yeah, I could take the food and water out to make a little more space, is that normal to have no food or water in the coop?
As long as you have appropriate places outside to put the food and water, there's no specific requirement to have it in the coop.

I do keep my dry feeder inside to minimize risk of attracting rodents, and to protect the feeder from the elements. My waterer and wet feed stays out in the run though.

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