I have 10 chickens: 2 white leghorns, 2 golden sexlinks, 4 Jersey giants, and 2 wyandottes. They are all between the ages of 8 and 10 weeks old. I put them out in the coop and run about 3 weeks ago. Every night since we moved them out at almost exactly 9 one of the Jersey Giants starts peeping really loud and hops into the coop, and for about the next 2 or 3 minutes the rest of the chickens follow until they are all in there. It’s the same chicken every night that initiates it which is kind of interesting. The thing I’m curious about is this, when they head into the coop they all go to the back corner and huddle together, almost fighting to get intro the corner. Once I close up the coop they eventually calm down. Any thoughts on this behavior?