Getting My Chicks Tomorrow and....

Break an Egg

11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
San Antonio
Well my husband told me last night that he doesn't want buff orps, he wants something flashy looking. I showed him pics of sebrights, but what he really wants is a flashy mean rooster. I told him that the buff orps are calm and docile birds, which is important because we have a 21 month old and his 4 kids coming to live with us this summer. Can anyone recommend a "compromise" breed?

Also, I wanted to ask about the bulb. I went last night and bought an 85 watt red floodlight bulb. We are keeping the brooder box in the spare bedroom for now and it is going to be made (when dh brings home hardware cloth from his hardware store) out of a rubbermaid container. I saw in the brooder idea topic where someone took the lid and cut out the center and fastened hardware cloth to the lid, so the lid can be put back on top. I know I will set the brooder box up tonight and check temps, but id the bulb I bought appropriate? What other bulbs can be used?
Barred Rock...sort of flashy and supposedly docile.

Although into day two with my chicks and the BR's are the most aggressive of the bunch. More so than the leghorns.
He saw a pic of a BR and he liked it, that was my first idea. I think they are a very beautiful bird. He actually saw silkies and like them. I ruled them out first because I thought he would think they are too "foo foo" looking. But I like them too, do they lay good eggs?
My BR chicks are among the first after my buff orp that run up to my hand when I reach into the brooder. I start singing the 'chickie baby' song when I walk into the room and the BR's and buff orps are the first to come running.
AWWW! I want chickens that do that lol! I want them to be nice to people. My husband just has the idea that if they are nice to ppl that they will not defend themselves against predators. The only predators I've seen are two hungry but small cats that run around in the field behind our house.
What about easter eggers? They're typically ameraucanas that don't meet the APA standard. They're very nice looking birds and they lay colored eggs.

Silkies likely won't lay much as they tend to go real broody. I'm not sure how big of a flock you were wanting, but if you got enough silkies you might be able to keep enough eggs for your own consumption. If you're wanting a bantam breed, the old english game are definitely very good looking birds and come in a great variety of colors. Also, keep in mind that bantam breeds lay a much smaller egg than the regular breeds. I believe the conversion is 1 1/2 bantam egg to one standard egg.

There are also other orpington colors: blue, black, splash, mottled

Have you shown your DH a picture of SpeckledHen's Suede? He's a gorgous blue orpington.
I gave up on showing him pics after one point. Iv'e been doing the research and he won't let me tell him anything. It's like he wouldn't let me talk. I told him to stfu, and that he didn't know EVERYTHING! Jeez he really does irritate me sometimes. I showed him the pics of the buff orps a few days ago and said "these are the ones I want" and then I call around and around trying to find them, finally did and he springs this on me last night.

What about the light guys? I'm really confused about it. The brooder will be inside, so I didn't get the 250 watt heat lamp. Strangely, I had a dream last night that the light will be fine.
The 85 watt bulb should be okay. I've used 100 watt, 60 watt, and 50 watt before because the 250 watt was too hot and the brooder not large enough to provide a cool side for them to get away from the heat.

I say just get whatever you want to get and phooey on the hubby.
Yard birds are going to be friendly (regardless of breed) to people because you are people and you will be feeding them so they will associate people with food and viola! Not all of them will come begging for attention, but they will all be open to getting treats.
Sounds good to me. LOL I go tomorrow morning to pick them up, I think I will atleast bring him along. I have to involve him somehow, he's building the coop. LOL I'm just kidding.
I hope the bulb works. Today is the last day of winter, and I'm looking forward to spring. Thanks for all the help.

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