Getting new chickens to drink

Ballerina Bird

5 Years
Aug 29, 2014
I just brought home two pita pintas earlier today. They are understandably a little rattled by the new environment, but I'm worried that they're not drinking. It's quite hot here, and I saw them panting a bit. They have a trough waterer (little tank in the middle and trough all around), but at the breeder's they had nipple waterers, which I haven't been able to install. Will they figure out the trough? Also, I added ACV to their water, but maybe I should dump this and give them plain water until they start drinking more reliably? I used a sponge to get their bodies a bit wet but wonder if I should do more. Any help appreciated!
I just brought home two pita pintas earlier today. They are understandably a little rattled by the new environment, but I'm worried that they're not drinking. It's quite hot here, and I saw them panting a bit. They have a trough waterer (little tank in the middle and trough all around), but at the breeder's they had nipple waterers, which I haven't been able to install. Will they figure out the trough? Also, I added ACV to their water, but maybe I should dump this and give them plain water until they start drinking more reliably? I used a sponge to get their bodies a bit wet but wonder if I should do more. Any help appreciated!

I would use plain water, also you may try putting a large bowl of water out and see if they take to that.
Pita pintas can have large combs and some large comb breeds dislike there combs rubbing on stuff.
Thanks! You were totally right that they took to the bowl of water. Much appreciated. Is there a way to tell if they're dehydrated? Will they generally pull it together and drink before they get to that point? I live in a really hot climate, so I have to keep an eye on this. Odette and Odile are still pullets (10 weeks), so at this point they have small combs, but that is good to know for the future.
Thanks! You were totally right that they took to the bowl of water. Much appreciated. Is there a way to tell if they're dehydrated? Will they generally pull it together and drink before they get to that point? I live in a really hot climate, so I have to keep an eye on this. Odette and Odile are still pullets (10 weeks), so at this point they have small combs, but that is good to know for the future.
They should be fine if there drinking water but if you pinch some loose skin on them and it does not return to normal or takes some to return to normal then they have dehydration.

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