Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

My apologies. Current gig is a little overwhelming. Add to that a full load at college on line.

An excerpt from what I am working with: Transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis (ATTR) is caused by deposition of TTR amyloid fibrils in various tissues. The hereditary form of ATTR is caused by an autosomal dominant mutation in the TTR gene that leads to destabilization of the TTR tetramer and aggregation of misfolded monomers; this, in turn, results in cardiac and/or neuronal extracellular deposition of TTR amyloid fibrils culminating in life-threatening cardiomyopathy and/or debilitating neuropathy.


I will give a good update this weekend

Wow... just wow...


Not sure how long it took to get caught up--I kept seeing this thread, and thinking it was too long to read everything (and I couldn't just not read everything), so I kept passing it by... So of course, it was even longer when I finally did jump in after @scflock mentioned it over on the "She said/He said" thread
I did a page or two here and there, until the last week or so, when I started archive bingeing... 'Twas very tempting to post when I got to the photos of the road trip to Washington, but didn't want to play find-the-place every time I got back online after that!

Anyway, quick intro... I'm in California too, barely--Crescent City, on the coast, just 19 miles from Oregon. So, assuming you stayed on 101 the whole way, you went through here. If you take the kids to see coastal redwoods, and make it to the northernmost part of the range again, let me know
(When I was working fast food, I had to bite my tongue every time a tourist asked where the redwoods were--there is literally no way to drive here without seeing redwoods--if someone had driven from down south, they'd been driving through them for hours... Even from both northern routes, you see them for a bit, though I will admit that it's only about 10 minutes worth coming from Brookings) I've got 8 hens (2 red sex links, GLW, WLW, EE, a mutt with gamebird in her that's my broody (I've found that, while she's a good mama, and does well with local eggs, she doesn't do well with shipped eggs), a Russian Orloff, and a White Leghorn. I also have 4 EE chicks from the feedstore that I grafted onto the broody after the latest experiment with shipped eggs, but I haven't decided yet if we'll be keeping them or selling them. I'm married, and we have 2 daughters, 12 and 6. We also have a boxer who gets along great with the chickens--she steals anything I toss to them, even if it's something she won't otherwise touch, and she's let them eat her dogfood from her bowl
We've only got about 0.17 acres, so no roosters, guineas, or "quacking ducks" (technically, we can have them if one of the girls were to join 4H, FFA, or Grange and register them, but I think we're already "those neighbors"
). I'd love to get muscovies, but we'd have to do some serious rearranging. I'm also seriously considering quail, and have put in a bid for an Incukit for Christmas/my birthday (3 days after).

Now to set out pillows for all the folks that know me from "She said/He said" for when they faint because I actually said more than 2 words
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Not sure how long it took to get caught up--I kept seeing this thread, and thinking it was too long to read everything (and I couldn't just not read everything), so I kept passing it by... So of course, it was even longer when I finally did jump in after @scflock mentioned it over on the "She said/He said" thread
I did a page or two here and there, until the last week or so, when I started archive bingeing... 'Twas very tempting to post when I got to the photos of the road trip to Washington, but didn't want to play find-the-place every time I got back online after that!

Anyway, quick intro... I'm in California too, barely--Crescent City, on the coast, just 19 miles from Oregon. So, assuming you stayed on 101 the whole way, you went through here. If you take the kids to see coastal redwoods, and make it to the northernmost part of the range again, let me know
(When I was working fast food, I had to bite my tongue every time a tourist asked where the redwoods were--there is literally no way to drive here without seeing redwoods--if someone had driven from down south, they'd been driving through them for hours... Even from both northern routes, you see them for a bit, though I will admit that it's only about 10 minutes worth coming from Brookings) I've got 8 hens (2 red sex links, GLW, WLW, EE, a mutt with gamebird in her that's my broody (I've found that, while she's a good mama, and does well with local eggs, she doesn't do well with shipped eggs), a Russian Orloff, and a White Leghorn. I also have 4 EE chicks from the feedstore that I grafted onto the broody after the latest experiment with shipped eggs, but I haven't decided yet if we'll be keeping them or selling them. I'm married, and we have 2 daughters, 12 and 6. We also have a boxer who gets along great with the chickens--she steals anything I toss to them, even if it's something she won't otherwise touch, and she's let them eat her dogfood from her bowl
We've only got about 0.17 acres, so no roosters, guineas, or "quacking ducks" (technically, we can have them if one of the girls were to join 4H, FFA, or Grange and register them, but I think we're already "those neighbors"
). I'd love to get muscovies, but we'd have to do some serious rearranging. I'm also seriously considering quail, and have put in a bid for an Incukit for Christmas/my birthday (3 days after).

Now to set out pillows for all the folks that know me from "She said/He said" for when they faint because I actually said more than 2 words

becareful if you start hatching - chicken math is a curse

Not sure how long it took to get caught up--I kept seeing this thread, and thinking it was too long to read everything (and I couldn't just not read everything), so I kept passing it by... So of course, it was even longer when I finally did jump in after @scflock
mentioned it over on the "She said/He said" thread:lol: I did a page or two here and there, until the last week or so, when I started archive bingeing... 'Twas very tempting to post when I got to the photos of the road trip to Washington, but didn't want to play find-the-place every time I got back online after that!

Anyway, quick intro... I'm in California too, barely--Crescent City, on the coast, just 19 miles from Oregon. So, assuming you stayed on 101 the whole way, you went through here. If you take the kids to see coastal redwoods, and make it to the northernmost part of the range again, let me know:thumbsup (When I was working fast food, I had to bite my tongue every time a tourist asked where the redwoods were--there is literally no way to drive here without seeing redwoods--if someone had driven from down south, they'd been driving through them for hours... Even from both northern routes, you see them for a bit, though I will admit that it's only about 10 minutes worth coming from Brookings) I've got 8 hens (2 red sex links, GLW, WLW, EE, a mutt with gamebird in her that's my broody (I've found that, while she's a good mama, and does well with local eggs, she doesn't do well with shipped eggs), a Russian Orloff, and a White Leghorn. I also have 4 EE chicks from the feedstore that I grafted onto the broody after the latest experiment with shipped eggs, but I haven't decided yet if we'll be keeping them or selling them. I'm married, and we have 2 daughters, 12 and 6. We also have a boxer who gets along great with the chickens--she steals anything I toss to them, even if it's something she won't otherwise touch, and she's let them eat her dogfood from her bowl:gig We've only got about 0.17 acres, so no roosters, guineas, or "quacking ducks" (technically, we can have them if one of the girls were to join 4H, FFA, or Grange and register them, but I think we're already "those neighbors";) ). I'd love to get muscovies, but we'd have to do some serious rearranging. I'm also seriously considering quail, and have put in a bid for an Incukit for Christmas/my birthday (3 days after).

Now to set out pillows for all the folks that know me from "She said/He said" for when they faint because I actually said more than 2 words:lau  

My apologies. Current gig is a little overwhelming. Add to that a full load at college on line.

An excerpt from what I am working with: Transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis (ATTR) is caused by deposition of TTR amyloid fibrils in various tissues. The hereditary form of ATTR is caused by an autosomal dominant mutation in the TTR gene that leads to destabilization of the TTR tetramer and aggregation of misfolded monomers; this, in turn, results in cardiac and/or neuronal extracellular deposition of TTR amyloid fibrils culminating in life-threatening cardiomyopathy and/or debilitating neuropathy.


I will give a good update this weekend

Okay.....I'm getting a bit senile but you lost me as to what this post is about. Is this something you have or are you studying this subject for your job?

As far as Langshans go........I have a friend who has and shows his birds, one of the top breeders/exhibitors of them here on the east coast and those
birds are HUGE!!!!!!! It kills me to see him throw his extra eggs out into the woods......he does not eat eggs

We also have the Lavender Ameraucanas but mine are not split to black. They are a nice bird but not ones I have been showing yet. I'm mostly working
on my Marans for now. Been having a hard time finding stock that does not have Wheaton mixed into the Black Coppers or even the Blue Coppers.
Okay.....I'm getting a bit senile but you lost me as to what this post is about. Is this something you have or are you studying this subject for your job?

its work. I am doing a consulting gig for a clinical reasearch firm.

As far as Langshans go........I have a friend who has and shows his birds, one of the top breeders/exhibitors of them here on the east coast and those
birds are HUGE!!!!!!! It kills me to see him throw his extra eggs out into the woods......he does not eat eggs

We also have the Lavender Ameraucanas but mine are not split to black. They are a nice bird but not ones I have been showing yet. I'm mostly working
on my Marans for now. Been having a hard time finding stock that does not have Wheaton mixed into the Black Coppers or even the Blue Coppers.
we need to make use of those Langshans!!

i envy your breeds
its work. I am doing a consulting gig for a clinical reasearch firm.

we need to make use of those Langshans!!

i envy your breeds

LOL.........we are on east coast but if you interested in eggs shipped that far I'm sure Scottcaddy would be happy to have me ship to you.
As for the Langshans.....I could ask him about it. I do thin he sells eggs now and then and he sold his older/ last years breeders but keeps his
young stock for next year's showing and breeding. Just let us know if we need to shmooze
Welcome AmyPaperLady.
I sold my house there last year currently in Sacramento area.
This thread is a great read. Especially since we are working on starting a small farm in the Philippines.

Oz has provided tons of great info at least for me lol.

Not sure how long it took to get caught up--I kept seeing this thread, and thinking it was too long to read everything (and I couldn't just not read everything), so I kept passing it by... So of course, it was even longer when I finally did jump in after @scflock
mentioned it over on the "She said/He said" thread:lol: I did a page or two here and there, until the last week or so, when I started archive bingeing... 'Twas very tempting to post when I got to the photos of the road trip to Washington, but didn't want to play find-the-place every time I got back online after that!

Anyway, quick intro... I'm in California too, barely--Crescent City, on the coast, just 19 miles from Oregon. So, assuming you stayed on 101 the whole way, you went through here. If you take the kids to see coastal redwoods, and make it to the northernmost part of the range again, let me know:thumbsup (When I was working fast food, I had to bite my tongue every time a tourist asked where the redwoods were--there is literally no way to drive here without seeing redwoods--if someone had driven from down south, they'd been driving through them for hours... Even from both northern routes, you see them for a bit, though I will admit that it's only about 10 minutes worth coming from Brookings) I've got 8 hens (2 red sex links, GLW, WLW, EE, a mutt with gamebird in her that's my broody (I've found that, while she's a good mama, and does well with local eggs, she doesn't do well with shipped eggs), a Russian Orloff, and a White Leghorn. I also have 4 EE chicks from the feedstore that I grafted onto the broody after the latest experiment with shipped eggs, but I haven't decided yet if we'll be keeping them or selling them. I'm married, and we have 2 daughters, 12 and 6.

Congrats on getting through the whole thread! My 6-year-old I obsessed with seeing the redwoods! As we are on the East Coast it's a bit of a trip. The company my husband works for has headquarters in LA so were hoping to tag along with him sometime and make the drive up.

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