Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Yes there are plenty of nice boys out there. I do work with them a bit when they first get hormonal but if they don't settle down pretty quick then it's off to the pot. I have noticed in butchering that the meaner the boy the bigger the testes. So I think sometimes it's a matter of testosterone overload.
Oh, but there is so much I could say right here.... I think I will just leave it at "I am sure you are correct in that assessment." :oops:
OMG. Toooo funny!!!!!
Duck man Mok, whose street you saw in the flood pic lost 150 eggs under broody ducks as well as 30 chicks that drowned. The whole city is digging out mud. Fortunately Kabankalan has some good people in the emergency response teams and no lives were lost when the Ilog river came to town for a visit.

On the home front we had water in a corner of our place for about 6 hours only. Well that and the fence.

The guys are running out of sand and gravel. It comes from that river in the above picture. Last week we were expecting 12 cubic meters of gravel but we could only get 6 as the waters were too high. So now we have an order for 12 cubic meters of sand and 12 of gravel as soon as the river drops.



Did the typhoon hit at high tide? The last time I visited, our area was on the far edge of a category 3, and it was easily the worst storm I'd ever been in (albeit Cali hardly ever gets real weather...)

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