Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Ignoring the part involving me, it is really nice to see kids that are not locked in their own realm and take the time to pause and think about things going on elsewhere.

You should be proud
Yes, its a rare thing in these days. Our schools are making it worse, they start young now, everything revolves around the kids and not enough about others and life in general. I swear the babying is driving me insane! they get tickets at school for good deeds, cough cough like staying in line, not acting up, or following instructions.... SERIOUSLY I think its wrong and is teaching them as butt backwards as they do math!
Yes, its a rare thing in these days. Our schools are making it worse, they start young now, everything revolves around the kids and not enough about others and life in general. I swear the babying is driving me insane! they get tickets at school for good deeds, cough cough like staying in line, not acting up, or following instructions.... SERIOUSLY I think its wrong and is teaching them as butt backwards as they do math!
don't get me started on the schools SS
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that could backfire you know at least in my part of the world that would invite someone to see if they can hit that target... to see if you are right.

My neighbor has a cap and ball pistol He sets his targets up on my land and shoots from his living room window....
Sounds like a frikin cannon.... And happens to cross the road.... Not to worry it wont reach my house which is about a thousand feet away.... Hes one of the good ones...


Years ago my neighbor's daughter was an national level athlete bow shooter... now that's an interesting sound early in the morning
They had a fake cow and a fake deer they'd shoot

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