
I just have to share this story, only because I still chuckle when I think about it.........

16 years ago, I was 6 months along with DS #2 when FIL had a heart attack. Doctors shipped him out from our little po-dunk hospital to the Heart Institute in Phoenix. I stayed behind with my then 9 yo DS and my niece who was about 4 at the time. DH, SIL and BIL took MIL to Phoenix where they got a room so they could be close by. Because the in laws had animals, the kids and I stayed in their home, as well as to make the phone calls to and from out of state family easier.

Anyway, the first night we were here, just the kids and I mind you, I finally got them down for the night and had at long last sat down after a long day.

It was dark, of course (and I freely admit my fear of the dark--even today as a 43 year old adult I'm terrified of the dark). I had just turned the TV on to relax a bit before bed when the light in the den suddenly came on. Then off. Ummmmmmmmmmmmm...........yikes........

I go check on the kids who are both sound asleep in their beds. Look in the den, turn the light on, then off. Hmmm....strange.

Go sit, get comfy again. Lights on.................Lights off..............

Okay, now I'm mad because those kids faked sleep. Nope, they truly are sound asleep., help me!!

I go check again, light on, light off. Nothing around, light seems fine. Sette down, you're freaking out over nothing. Turn around to leave and the light comes back on before I get out of the room.

This is some creepy Stephen King stuff here!!!!!!!! Charles Manson escaped from prison and he's here!!!!!!!!!! Did I love my husband enough during our time together? At least the kids and I will be together when we die, this baby knows I love him already and he'll never know true pain or heartache.........

Lights off...............

It was the CAT, reaching up and playing with the string that turns the light on and off.

I never really liked that cat.........

LOL...........I know, kinda totally NOT the same, but still pretty creepy while it lasted!
Now I need Depends when I'm on the computer ! LOL ! Almost wet myself laughing.
I have another story that happened at my parents home when I was 17. My Mum and I went out to a shoe party at a friends house this night and Dad was at home by himself. He said he was watching tv and all of a sudden he seen a bright light down the hall way, He didn't think much of it at first(thinking something was shining in from the outside like a car going past) but then he remembered that all the doors to the bedrooms and bathroom were closed because he had the heater on because it was cold and had shut all the doors to keep the lounge room warm.

He said the glow lingered too for about 2 minutes. Me and Mum arrived home not long after this had happened and he was explaining it. I just said "Sure Dad" and I went to go to bed. I got into bed and that is when I got spoked out, I had a wall clock ( it was shaped like a Giant watch, Even had the watch band)that hung next my bed and that had a flat battery that i haddened bothered replacing for about a year becuse the ticking of the clock kept me awake at night.... But that night it was ticking again.... I lay awake under my covers to afraid to look at it or move(silly Teenager) the next day i threw it out ... it was still ticking.
65browneyes.....I had almost the identical experience. When I was just out of college I lived in a crappy, basement apartment that had bad locks. I was working two jobs, and would turn off all the lights before going to the job that started at 6 in the morning. Several days each week I would return home and the kitchen light would be on. I became almost complusive about checking the locks and lights before I would leave each day, and would be totally freaked about being alone in the apartment. I was convinced that someone was coming in while I was gone.

Then one evening I was sitting in the apartment when my cat got the night crazies...whipping around like a wild thing, attacking the peephole on the door, bouncing off the walls, and hitting the light switch. Hitting the light switch on and off, over and over again. I had been ready to move, scared to sleep at night and completely paranoid simply because my cat liked playing with light switches....darn cat!

All my ghost stories involve ghosts just cats doing creepy things to scare me. My cats would always stare at the walls and meow when I watched scary movies. I think they wanted to add atmosphere.
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Very, very cool photo, and great ghost stories!
Here's ours-
First let me say that I am not a particularly religious person, and I don't know if I believe in ghosts. I am pretty sure that if they exist, I have no sensitivity to them, as I have never had any direct paranormal experiences.
In Feb 2005 we purchased a forclosure home. It had been sitting vacant for over a year. We soon learned that the previous owners were rather "interesting" people- they had run a church out of the home, and had taken in mentally ill individuals to faith heal them (as in, rid them of demons). Apparently they never paid any of their bills, and they abandoned the house when it was being forclosed upon.
The house was in unbelievably awful condition when we purchased it. Here's a pic of the hallway to the bedrooms when we bought it-

Amongst other things, there was a confessional in the garage, and there were crosses (in blood) over all the doors. When we moved in everyone joked about it being haunted, but neither my husband or myself has ever felt anything uncomfortable. In fact we've often joked that the house was happy to have us!
BUT, our daughter is another story. E was 18 months old when we moved.
Here is her room before we moved in:

And after:

Shortly after we moved E began to tell us about something she saw- she had trouble describing it, but said it was a dark shape that came out from behind her cupboard (on left in above photo) at night and hung in the air next to her bed. She said it had a man's face and the face was "mean." I got chills each time she mentioned seeing it, but she didn't seem frightened so I would just say I didn't know what it was, it was a "mystery". When she was 2, the movie Casper was on TV and E turned to me and said excitedly- "Now I know what that is in my room- it's a ghost!"
From then on she called him "Mystery Ghost" According to her, he is a frequent nightime visitor. He is not friendly, and is sometimes mean- my daughter claims he takes her stuffed animal away from her at night. We now have a second daughter and the two girls share the room. Our second daughter is 2- so far she has not mentioned "seeing" MG" but he has become part of our family, and is often blamed when things go wrong.
In August we are moving to an old farmhouse, built in 1840. I am curious to see if Mystery Ghost will move with us, or if there will be other ghosts in the new house, who make themselves known to my daughter!
Hope so, Pattymal. That our experience when we left our last home (built 1900's). The visitor that would come across our neighbor's field every May and stay through the summer months to scare my son apparently didn't move with us. Gives new meaning to the saying "house with character", doesn't it?

Loving the stories!
Well, not sure if this fits in the 'strange happenings' category but kezabel's story reminded me of it so I will put it here. It definitely seemed strange to me.

When my oldest son was a couple of weeks old my ex sister in law (I divorced her brother, my sons bio father, a few days after he was born) brought him a gift. It was a Big Bird toy. If you squeezed his hands he said one phrase, his tummy another, and he had a light sensor in his eyes so he would say peek-a-boo if you covered and then uncovered his eye. Of course, that also meant if a shadow crossed him or you turned the light on in the room, so he was constantly talking. My son grew to love him and was always playing with him. I HATED that stupid toy but expected the batteries to last a few months then I just wouldn't replace them. He was still talking and going strong when he was stuffed in a box and placed in my garage about 4 years ago.....that means the batteries worked for a full 8 years with constant, daily use (it was passed down to my two younger sons, too). I am honestly afraid to check and see if he still works.....I am afraid he does. I never could bring myself to take the batteries out because I was afraid he would work without them. Anyway, seemed VERY strange to me!!!
Ever wonder if as we age, we lose the ability to see with open eyes which is why young kids and pets see things some of don't until it's just simply beyond explaining? Maybe our heads fill up with day-to-day stuff. Just a thought. Great of everyone to share. OP, great stuff that the cemetary is close-by, too.

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