
OMG! I didn't see it at first either, then BAM!! Can you find out if that story is true and then look for a photo of the boy??? That is so spooky.

I l-o-v-e Ghost Hunters, you ever watch it?

Oh, and Ghost Whisperer, too. I wished they'd bring Jim back as JIM!
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I hear a cool campfire story from Jody, right? You gotta tell us. We see this cool picture and hear the great story with it so...

This is the best I can do. I'm not sure what I believe either. I have had experiences in the house but only sounds. I can't believe her friends mother would try to play with me. When I talked to her on the phone (the mother), she was all excited. Like I said, I still don't know what to think????? I'm not trying to convince anyone. I am still trying to process it myself. It did freak me out when my mother told me the story about the little boy.

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I would make sure there was no one else there. It is a very clear picture of a person. It looks "too real" KWIM? Are you positive no one can get in the house?

The fact that there is a history there, makes the story more intriguing. I would rule out the more mundane options, first. She's got a great story to tell about her Sr. pics, now! LOL!

When I was little we moved into an old farmhouse in western NY. The huge 5 bedroom house and 24 acres of land was incredibly cheap. Before the move we lived about 50 miles away. Well, we later found out that it was so cheap because all of the locals knew it was haunted and nobdy would buy it. Nothing evil happened to us. Nobody was sucked into the TV. The oldest part of the house was an old salt box type and the newer part (added in the 1800's) was a large colonial front. In the 1800's there was an outbreak of the plague in the area. There was a hospital in a nearby town. It got so infected that the townspeople decided it needed to be burned and the hospital should be in a more remote location. There were no records as to the exact location, but most assumed it was our house due to the general description of it and the area. There was a huge bedroom upstairs. That was where Mom and Dad put all of us kids. They lined our little twin beds up, probably a lot like it was back when it was a hospital ward. Of course we didn't know it at the time. Not every night, but many, there were footsteps. Something or somebody would walk up and down the line of beds like they were doing a bed check. The footsteps were loud and obvious. We would run downstairs or scream, but our parents didn't believe us until the night we were already asleep when the foot steps started. Mom was sick and tired of hearing us night after night stomping around that room. She thought it was us, but it wasn't. She went upstairs ready to do some spanking. What she found was sleeping kids and footsteps with no body walking up and down along the beds. As time went on that behaviour subsided but would sometimes return during sleepovers. I guess new people stirred things up. Yes, it made sleepovers difficult.

Not all was scarey. The coolest thing that happened was when Dad made new stalls in the barn. We had ponies. Dad followed the old lines in the barn and put the new pens where they probably used to be. Somebody really liked that. For about 2 weeks, no matter how early we got up to do chores, they were already done. We went out earlier and earlier, but when we got there it was like somebody had just filled the buckets, cleaned the stalls, put oats in the feeder and filled the water just minutes before, even at 4:00AM. It scared the daylights out of my parents, but us kids thought it was great!!

When we went on vacation, the neighbors would take care of the animals. There was one family that didn't believe in ghosts so they did it. They became believers though. It appears that whoever it was that was interested in new people decided to make himself known. We had a motorcycle and it was parked in the back room while we were away to keep it from being stolen. The neighbor's college age daughter was in the kitchen feeding the cats when she heard the horn on it beeping. She thought that a cat must be sitting on it and somehow pressing the button. She went into the backroom and there was no cat there. However, the handle bars were moving back and forth and the horn was blowing. She ran out of the house screaming. After that, her father had to feed the cats. Neither her, her siblings or her mother would come in the house.

When Mom and Dad got older, they needed to move to warmer climate for Dad's health. Before they drove away for the last time, Mom took a picture of the front of the house. When it came back from the developers she was shocked to see all of the shadowy faces looking out the windows. A lot of people died in that house, and I think some stayed. A few years later while visiting relatives, Mom went to the house. It was a rental at that time. She asked the woman that lived there if it was stilled haunted. The lady answered, "Yes, but we don't talk about it." Over the years, we met 3 other families that had lived in the house. They all had similar experiences.

Oh well, not really a compfire story, but true. It probably would have been more interesting if one of us had been sucked into the TV.
When I was little we moved into an old farmhouse in western NY. The huge 5 bedroom house and 24 acres of land was incredibly cheap. Before the move we lived about 50 miles away. Well, we later found out that it was so cheap because all of the locals knew it was haunted and nobdy would buy it. Nothing evil happened to us. Nobody was sucked into the TV. The oldest part of the house was an old salt box type and the newer part (added in the 1800's) was a large colonial front. In the 1800's there was an outbreak of the plague in the area. There was a hospital in a nearby town. It got so infected that the townspeople decided it needed to be burned and the hospital should be in a more remote location. There were no records as to the exact location, but most assumed it was our house due to the general description of it and the area. There was a huge bedroom upstairs. That was where Mom and Dad put all of us kids. They lined our little twin beds up, probably a lot like it was back when it was a hospital ward. Of course we didn't know it at the time. Not every night, but many, there were footsteps. Something or somebody would walk up and down the line of beds like they were doing a bed check. The footsteps were loud and obvious. We would run downstairs or scream, but our parents didn't believe us until the night we were already asleep when the foot steps started. Mom was sick and tired of hearing us night after night stomping around that room. She thought it was us, but it wasn't. She went upstairs ready to do some spanking. What she found was sleeping kids and footsteps with no body walking up and down along the beds. As time went on that behaviour subsided but would sometimes return during sleepovers. I guess new people stirred things up. Yes, it made sleepovers difficult.

Not all was scarey. The coolest thing that happened was when Dad made new stalls in the barn. We had ponies. Dad followed the old lines in the barn and put the new pens where they probably used to be. Somebody really liked that. For about 2 weeks, no matter how early we got up to do chores, they were already done. We went out earlier and earlier, but when we got there it was like somebody had just filled the buckets, cleaned the stalls, put oats in the feeder and filled the water just minutes before, even at 4:00AM. It scared the daylights out of my parents, but us kids thought it was great!!

When we went on vacation, the neighbors would take care of the animals. There was one family that didn't believe in ghosts so they did it. They became believers though. It appears that whoever it was that was interested in new people decided to make himself known. We had a motorcycle and it was parked in the back room while we were away to keep it from being stolen. The neighbor's college age daughter was in the kitchen feeding the cats when she heard the horn on it beeping. She thought that a cat must be sitting on it and somehow pressing the button. She went into the backroom and there was no cat there. However, the handle bars were moving back and forth and the horn was blowing. She ran out of the house screaming. After that, her father had to feed the cats. Neither her, her siblings or her mother would come in the house.

When Mom and Dad got older, they needed to move to warmer climate for Dad's health. Before they drove away for the last time, Mom took a picture of the front of the house. When it came back from the developers she was shocked to see all of the shadowy faces looking out the windows. A lot of people died in that house, and I think some stayed. A few years later while visiting relatives, Mom went to the house. It was a rental at that time. She asked the woman that lived there if it was stilled haunted. The lady answered, "Yes, but we don't talk about it." Over the years, we met 3 other families that had lived in the house. They all had similar experiences.

Oh well, not really a compfire story, but true. It probably would have been more interesting if one of us had been sucked into the TV.

i really enjoyed reading that and does your mother still have that picture
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It looks like a real boy, not what we are usually shown as ghosts. But, to be honest, I've never in my life seen a ghost so I am not qualified to give an opinion. There are really old photographs from the 1800's that show ghosts, but those ones look ghost-y. I don't know. Maybe you have a picture of a ghost, maybe you have a picture of a boy with a prankster mother.
That is just tooooo creepy. Had to take a second look to see the boy....but oh my gosh!!! Maybe he's just an "angel" sent to protect the old place!!!! Not sure I believe in ghosts, but certainly in angels. They seem to be a much more "positive" thought

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