Girls Losing A lot of Feathers- HELP


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 24, 2007
Concord, NC
Hi everyone. I am hoping you can help me as I understand it is normal to have them pluck out feathers at different times but now I'm up to 3 of my girls losing their feathers and one is really bad. She is actually sickly looking and wondering what I should do. She has a lot of feathers missing in the front and the others have them missing on their butt's.
Suggestions/ideas on what is happening PLEASE! See pictures of my worst baby girl.


Hi, you may want to give your chickens some dry catfood.That will help the feathers to grow back.
What kind of feed do they get & what % of protein?
Do they have enough space ? Could be picking going on.Could be bored ?
Check all of your birds for mites/lice. If you find any bugs on them you'll need to replace bedding & totally clean your coop out.Where they dust bathe. you can add some food grade DE (you can do a search on the forum about it) or use very little 5% sevin dust.
I don't know other advice to give ya. I do hope they get better soon.
They have a pretty big coop/pen area (9 girls and 1 female turkey). I think there is a little picking on her (but not on the others). I have dusted a couple of times but she is not growing anything back. I will have to check her as well. The food they get is alternated from Layer and scratch. I really feel bad for her as she has almost sores on he shoulders from no protection feathers and now starting on her butt too.

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