girls or boys?????


Chickens Ate My Brain
9 Years
Sep 9, 2010
I have: 10 EE, 10 leghorns, 10 light brahmas, 10 red sex links, 10 barred rock, 11 silkies, 8 guineas. Except for the sex links, which are all supposed to be pullets, and the guineas, which I'm supposed to be able to tell the sex by their call, how and when should I be able to tell the "girls" from the "boys"??? They are 4 wks old tomorrow.
for some reason I can't seem to get my pics to load. I also have 61, so it'll probably be hard to point out which is which
Just trying to figure out when I should be able to tell the difference. I'm curious to see if my 90% hens is accurate
I wait till they start to crow. Then you know for sure. I have one that is 3 months old still haven't heard him crow but really looks like a roo. 61! you are starting big. Have fun!!
You'll have to wait until 8 weeks or so to tell on the EE's. Things to look for on EE sexing: Most (not all, but most) white/black EE's are male. EE males have a very obvious color pattern. They will stand out more, more variations in colors.

Leghorns: At this point it should be pretty obvious. Look at the combs, males will be much larger at 4 weeks. Keep in mind though, females combs get pretty large as well. (just not as large as the males)

Light brahmas: Generally, the males have more "smut" through their back. But hatchery females can also have this smut. They are a slow maturing breed, so you'll probably have to wait until they are 8 weeks to tell.

Barred Rocks: They are easy. Females will be more black with white barring and males will look more white with black barring.

Silkies: Too early, wait a couple more months. Males will have more "spikey" looking hairdo on their head, females will look more like cotton balls.

No clue on the guinea's.

Generally, just compare the same breed to each other, and you'll start to get an idea of who are the roosters.
thank you. thank you. Happy Chooks, by your description, so far, I have mostly "girls"
YAY!!!!! I'm really excited about this venture. I have a good "little" group I think. Since I've moved, I can't scrapbook, so I've decided my chickens will be my "release" and it give me and the kids something to do together. I'll pay more attention tonight and this weekend during the day (I don't return home until dark now), but most if not all of my EE are brown with a design in their feathers. very pretty.

I wish I could post pics for everyone, but I'm having trouble doing it, but I'll keep trying. . .

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