Girls still not roosting, new coop!


Apr 24, 2019
Central Ohio
I have just finished building my girls their new coop. They wouldn't roost in their old coop, I just figured it was a space issue. The new coop (see pictures) has plenty of room for all of them, and plenty of roosting space. For the first 4 days they roosted and loved it. I had to keep them locked up until I could remove the old coop as they kept trying to get in the old coop and refused to return to the new coop. I have an auto-chicken door and they all go home to the new coop without issue; HOWEVER, as of a week ago, none of them will use the roosting bars, they all huddle near the auto-door and just sleep in the bedding. I don't know what changed other than not having them locked up all day. I don't know whether I should be concerned or just let it go. Any thoughts?


they need wider roosts than that to be happy, mine thinks 2" is to small and not comfortable for them to hunker down if they want to, some dummy put the 2x4 wrong way and hasn't had a chance to turn it so it's 4" they have to roost on is to small and refuse to use it if it hurts to jump down from the roost too, and go roost on the shelf in the other side when it's cold or if a draft is hitting the roost. predator lurking will cause them to roost elsewhere too even if you don't see it, so if ya have a cam you could put it in and watch what is going on in there at night.

Is it coated so they don't get slivers?
doubt they would all get bumble foot at the same time but check their feet
They are probably an inch in diameter. Suggestions on how big they should be? There are 5 girls.
Yeah, that's thin. Great for parakeets but I don't think comfortable for big chicken feet. I've been using a tree branch, maybe 3 inches or so. I just built a new coop and installed roosts made from 2x4s flat side up so in winter their toes are covered under their bellies staying warm instead of curling under the roost exposed to the cold and possible frostbite.
Mine roost on a 2x3 narrow side up with rounded edges and it's amazing to watch their feed disappear into the fuzz when they sit down. Can't see how they could have cold toes with all that fuzz covering them up.

If they are going into the coop then I don't think they are scared of it. Try putting a roost across the back wall about 1' up and at least 1' from the wall a bit more is better, looks a bit height challenged in there.

Yeah, that's thin. Great for parakeets but I don't think comfortable for big chicken feet. I've been using a tree branch, maybe 3 inches or so. I just built a new coop and installed roosts made from 2x4s flat side up so in winter their toes are covered under their bellies staying warm instead of curling under the roost exposed to the cold and possible frostbite.

Thank you all; I’ll try putting larger roosts in there. I haven’t put up the shutter by that window which overlooks their roosts, and it is very possible that they had a hawk or raccoon spying on them some night which has spooked them to the opposite side of the coop. Guess that will be my chore this weekend.

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