GL polish - pair??? boy or girl?

I say both girls. If your non bearded was a boy, at 3 months, wattles would be bigger and redder, plus the crest would be starting to get much stringier.
Oh I so hope she/he is a girl! I did take the most recent pic this morning and this is at 3 months. The other shots were a bit harder to see and this is a close up of her/his face. My red stars and others didn't have these wattles this young, but maybe (hoping
it's a breed thing...still no crowing at 12 weeks (fingers crossed it's a girl!!)

close up from this morning: (almost 3 months to the day)

And a pick of her/his backside...head in the food bowl:

Thank you for the help!!!!
As first time chicken owners, we appreciate BYC!
you have a pair my boy started getting his comb and waddles about 8-10 weeks old and now at 5 months old his nicke name is "devil chicken" because he looks like he has horns and my white top polish hen has tiny waddles and my golden lace hen has none at all
100% pic 1 Roo...
Unsure think Roo....

Eta....... after seeing recent pic
changed my mind on pic 2 lol she looks like a she lol

You have a pair
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Thank you! Everyday those wattles seem to be getting bigger!! Now, I'm just praying a quiet roo!!
He would be the only one (we have all hens) so maybe with no competition he'll be quiet enough for no complaints. We'd love to have one roo if we could get away with it in our neighborhood. And he is a SWEETHEART (so far).

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