Gnats? In the duck house, but not the chicken coop.


Herding ducks and Wrangling chickens
Jan 8, 2017
I have gnats in the duck house, but not in the chicken coop.
I suspect the excess moisture from duck poop and rain is why. Plus, the duck house is a converted plastic play house. I am not able to keep all of the rain out lately - because I have to leave windows open for ventilation and such. The rain has been excessive this year than it has in recent years. I am glad I never converted a plastic playhouse for chickens as it would be very difficult to keep a dry environment and have proper ventilation.
I have those vanilla car fresheners in there to keep flies away and they seem to be working - there are only a few flies at any given moment as long as you replace the air freshners every two weeks or so. Yesterday, I put all fresh pine shavings and pdz down. I also sprayed the walls (where the gnats were all over) with a natural pesticide. It was on clearance and I thought I would give it a try. It worked as the gnats died, but not sure if there is a better solution (other than a dryer environment - which if you have ducks you know it is virtually impossible to keep).
I am attaching pics of the product.


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Vanilla actually works for gnats. I never heard it working for flies though. I would get some vanilla extract and mix with water and spray the area.
I was thinking of doing that as well thanks. It actually repels flies too so, win all around I guess!
Active ingredient is clove oil, so probably more of a repellent than a killer.
Like cedar shavings, the aromatics could be a respiratory irritant for poultry.

It actually killed the gnats, but probably drowned them. ;)
It isn't too aromatic or let's say it dissipates quickly and doesn't stick around long.
It actually killed the gnats, but probably drowned them. ;)
It isn't too aromatic or let's say it dissipates quickly and doesn't stick around long.
Wonders if the residual odor is enough to continue deterring the gnats?
Those things are nasty, raise huge welts that last for days when they bite me.
I checked today and no gnats. So, it must be something. But, I also changed the bedding so it is much drier in the duck house for the moment.

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