Goat Girls Club! <333333333333333333333333333333333

Hey everyone, i have a question about my kids. I have Nigerian kids born on the march 11Th. At what time do i need to worry about brother getting sister pregnant. I still need to build him his own pen next to theirs and i don't want to put it off if I'm getting close to D day.

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look what i found!!;) lol

Girls and goats... Yeah we have a few goats, 7 daughters, a girl pup, and many chicks... plus we have 3 sons, a boy pup, and some baby roos. Anyone seen a Lamancha with ears?
Hey everyone, i have a question about my kids. I have Nigerian kids born on the march 11Th. At what time do i need to worry about brother getting sister pregnant. I still need to build him his own pen next to theirs and i don't want to put it off if I'm getting close to D day.
adorable! I remember when mine were that cute bucks are fertile at 7 weeks. We weaned ours at a younger age, our buckling went away at like 5 weeks of age I believe (course he was a bottle fed baby, mum rejected him and his sickly brother who didnt make it :( ). If you need you can milk her out and wean him (though ours did that) or quit him cold turkey (how most people will do it) Best of luck, him breeding his mom is not as much of a problem as his sisters, most moms feel dominant over their children and will butt them for the first few weeks they try to breed (course if she's in heat....) Best of luck! <3
I just love reading about all these goats! I love mine so much. I had to go out of town for about 6 weeks, and I was SO afraid they'd forget me. Alas... I returned home yesterday and they were so sweet and cuddly... just as I left them. Now... I must find ways to keep them busy. I so appreciate all your input. At the moment, it's very hot and humid where I live (Italy) so ALL of us are just as lazy as can be!

I have three little goats.(pigmy and ND) they are like little dogs! The will come to their names and love it when I play with them.

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