Goat-gurt! Just made my first batch of delicious yogurt!


10 Years
Jan 29, 2009
I'm so excited and feeling like a true backyard homesteader!

I just finished making my first batch of yogurt from the milk of my Nigerian doe. (Thank's Petunia!)

I guess I really thought it would all be beyond my abilities, but as my grandfather used to always say, "Read the Instructions!"
I used my crockpot to keep it warm all day which was a great way to use it.

Tomorrow morning, we'll try it on the kids and see what they think. Hubby has already given the thumbs up!

I pureed strawberries, a little vanilla extract and some fructose sugar and mixed it in with the yogurt, then plopped it in the fridge.

BTW, does anyone who has tried this know how to make it a bit more custard style?

Just thought I'd share my joy.
Sounds delicious! I have yet to do anything with my goat milk other than drink it or bake with it. I can't wait to have enough to try some yogurt or cheese! Could you post the recipe you used?
congrats!! I have my very first batch cooking in my yogurt maker right now. My yogurt maker came with a recipe that said to make it more custard-style to use evaporated milk instead of regular milk....
That is so cool! I cant wait a neighbor of mine always brings his Alpine babies to me for de-horning. I told him I wanted a milker again one day and he said I could borrow a few or even keep one of his girls if I wanted. As soon as his babies are weaned in about 6 weeks I get to go over and pick one out. I am super excited. Do share your recipie if you get time yogurt would be a fun treat, I love vanilla yogurt with fresh honey!!
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