Going to another state...would it work?

I've lived in Texas on-and-off for about 12 years - in my opinion it IS easier to get a job down there. The Texas economy was slower to falter than some other states - just in the last few years has it been getting into budget trouble. It absolutely STINKS (in my opinion), but you might want to consider El Paso. First off, not a lot of takers on El Paso jobs - seems like companies are ALWAYS hiring over there. There is a HUGE trucking industry (what with the maquiladoras/sister plants b/t Mexico and the U.S.) - and the BRAC re-alignment has meant tremendous growth for the region (Ft. Bliss gained a bunch of soldiers, and building is still going pretty strong last time I was there).

I had a great job I loved in El Paso, but the environment (in my opinion) was not conducive to raising a younger child there. The violence in Juarez has brought a lot of folks to the U.S. with their kiddos (I SO don't blame them), and the school disticts are not equipped to assist so many children (many of whom have witnessed the violence and have special needs). If you have a special needs kiddo, I wouldn't recommend y'all following the hubby there if he finds something. (My sister-in-law has a special needs child - learning disability and some emotional problems - and she has a devil of a time finding good schools.) The other downside is, if he rents in El Paso, the landlords tend to be a bit sketchy (taking advantage of the military folks), and rent is fairly high for what you get (as many of the rental places still have swamp coolers instead of air conditioning).

When my husband was offered a job in Tennessee, we both jumped at it (even though I didn't have anything lined up). I can tell you, Tennessee is pretty thin all around in my opinion. I have two graduate degrees, and other than doing some (VERY) part time contact consulting work, I am coming up empty. Nissan and GM have been hiring assembly plant workers...and Amazon just moved in around Nashville...but there are thousands of applicants for just hundreds of jobs. Would not recommend TN (even though I love it here)...
I LOVE my daughter's school...they work with her closely and she pulled straight A's and a B...I could not be so proud of her than I am already! I'm busting my buttons and I want to give my daughter the stablity and not have to worry about moving so much. It created some anxiety and I told hubby to "drop it" for now and we will deal with it later.

He kept saying there are NO jobs here. There IS jobs but it depends on what you are looking for. And he went on to say that if he can get a transfer down to Arkansas with the same company but I don't hold much hope for him to stay down there long term if the company is doing the "ax", three businesses closed up shop. We are a heavy manufacturing city but it's tough but Decatur has been thru alot since Firestone went out of business for good. I have hope he will find jobs. He is in a real depression about this whole mess and he could not understand why I won't "pick up and go down there with him". Sorry, it takes time and I wanted to see how long this job will last if he transfers to Arkansas. Besides we don't have any savings or the retirement benefits except what we have on SS (for me and my daughter) for our disabilities. If only I can snap out of his "gloom and doom" and quit thinking it is so bad here, it is just the time being Illinois is getting rocky. I told him even down south, companies are downsizing. He won't accept less than $11.00 an hour job (which it is what he is making and we are not living off the high hog either). He don't like the idea of renting, he wants to own but I can not keep buying and selling every two years or whenever on a whim, he decides to seek another job elsewhere.

Does he like the job? Does he like his employer and their managers,e tc.? He does not mind the job but he HATES the managers who they sit in the office, telling the factory guys what to do when they really have NO clue what they are doing to them? He did want to quit a few time last year because they were pushing him to do six days a week for 12 hour days. Sorry, better than nothing because you can be replaced. I am sorry I don't have much confidence in my husband's work track record until a few months ago, we now know he has Aspergers (he still denies it but the tests revealed that he has ADHD with Asperger's tendencies and refused to be medicated).
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I dunno...IMO, I would try to stay where you are. My husband travels pretty extensively all over the country for his work...even though work is thin here, my son and I are happy/settled. If he ended up with another job like he has now (but in another state), I don't think we would sell the house...he'd probably end up renting an efficiency. It's too bad your husband doesn't like the long hours/extended work week. My husband works in remediation, and with his job/travel, the company foots the bill for the hotels. Sooooo, you may be in a different town every-other-week, but you get paid hotel and a meal stipend (which, if you are willing to use for cheapy items like a loaf of bread and PB, you can actually make some money on). Crazy as it seems, it is often times CHEAPER for us when he travels. It is hard on our son...but he is adjusting to the here-and-gone-and-back-again... I think what I would do is, let the hubby apply for any/all jobs that look good - if he gets one, THEN evaluate how expensive rent vs buying would be/will the company pay relocation expenses/etc.
Update: still no pink slip for hubby! Another week of work so far!

Another blow for him, he is to train the interns....the company told the interns NOT to talk to the employees where they were from only talk about work, nothing else! He has a few tricks up in his sleeves that he will NOT pass to the interns, regarding to one of the "flaws" that the Big Yellow hasn't thought of, fixing the problematic leaks in the bowel and elevator units. He said they can figure it out on their own and go back to the OLD way he was originally taught which causes problems after problems for the company because the systems was leaking. Once hubby figured out what's the cause of the leaks, no problems and no returns, he was getting pay raises and very good reviews on his work performances. Now, the table turns, he refused to teach the interns the "tips". I have the feeling that the interns gonna get the same bad reveiws like the original crew before hubby came on board.

It is so sneaky on his part but I'm afraid it is not fair to the interns, most of them young kids. Hubby felt he does not have to share his secrets because it took him a bit of time to figure out the where the leaks were coming from (manufacturing errors) and what and how to do it. After all he said, they didn't pay for his secrets.
My BF is an ironworker, and jobs have been scarce for the last few years. There are literally thousands in just his Southern Michigan local that are scrambling for jobs. Right now he has a really good job in northern Indiana, working 6 tens at a good pay rate. But he its 6 1/2 hours away, working a night shift that is completely the opposite of my hours. We are lucky to talk for 5 minutes a day. We get to see each other maybe every 5-6 weeks for a day or two. I would love to be able to follow him around, but have a business and a mortgage here. Financially we are doing fine, but I miss him like crazy. Just keep hoping that someday a job closer to home comes up - not likely anytime soon with the Michigan economy (yes it is really bad).

It its too bad your husband is so bitter about his job, it tends to color all the other parts of life. It sounds like his urge to pack up and leave has more to do with frustration than anything else. As in, maybe going someplace else and starting over will eliminate all my problems. Unfortunately all that stuff just drags along behind like extra baggage. My advice would be to stay where you are if you can, until he lands a decent job somewhere that is good for your whole family.
Yes he is frustrated with everything here in Illinois but not better elsewhere. Each state got their bad stuff LOL! Even California are not doing too well either.

I would hate for him to lose the job. I hope he gets a transfer and get established. I'm firm about NOT moving until certain length of time has passed that I know his job is going to stay there.

Is there such a thing called Job Security?
Update: still no pink slip for hubby! Another week of work so far!

Another blow for him, he is to train the interns....the company told the interns NOT to talk to the employees where they were from only talk about work, nothing else! He has a few tricks up in his sleeves that he will NOT pass to the interns, regarding to one of the "flaws" that the Big Yellow hasn't thought of, fixing the problematic leaks in the bowel and elevator units. He said they can figure it out on their own and go back to the OLD way he was originally taught which causes problems after problems for the company because the systems was leaking. Once hubby figured out what's the cause of the leaks, no problems and no returns, he was getting pay raises and very good reviews on his work performances. Now, the table turns, he refused to teach the interns the "tips". I have the feeling that the interns gonna get the same bad reveiws like the original crew before hubby came on board.

It is so sneaky on his part but I'm afraid it is not fair to the interns, most of them young kids. Hubby felt he does not have to share his secrets because it took him a bit of time to figure out the where the leaks were coming from (manufacturing errors) and what and how to do it. After all he said, they didn't pay for his secrets.

Doing that may just backfire on him... he's the trainer... the interns mess up, and they may look at him as the cause, not the solution. No offense, but he needs to man up and take the meds too, (if they don't bother him) he may find he functions better at work.. which may be helpful in keeping his job longer, or, easier to find another one. Good luck to you both!
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The interns might not have paid for his secrets, but if he's training them, he's obligated to give them the wisdom of his experience. Good luck to the both of you and yes, I wouldm't move until I was assured that a new job was permanent.
Found out that the interns were hired on by the company because they are cheaper due to the fact they don't have insurance benefits than we do.

Sorry he refused to be medicated...long story! :)

I don't think it will help him keep his job a little longer. The previous person that trained him didn't tell him the tricks, he had to figure it out on his own how to keep the hydralics from leaking.

Everyone is encouraged to take insurance and companies would jerk the employees around laying them off and put in interns and we will go on Medicaid and then Medicaid says, well, you would qualify or pay some premiums if we make too much and no matter what you look at, it seems like no one wants to pay for health insurance nor companies wants to pay more wages to get ourselves health insurance.

Not sure how much BC/BS will cost.

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