Going to Italy

That is another one!! You need to be careful on prices... they can be tricky... We were in Rome and my son went to get something to drink and the guy there told him 10,000 lira which at the time was about 10.00.... for one drink!!! Good thing my husband speaks the langage.. he told him real good where he could keep his drink....
If they think they can make an extra buck they will... so be careful of your money.
Italy is now using the Euro which is more favorable now. If you can go to Revena which is near Venice. Another great little town near Pisa is Lucca.

Have a great time!
When in Venice if you have time take a water taxi to Murano and Burano. While in Rome we hired a private driver for half a day-money well spent. He "short cutted" us into all of the attractions. The taxi drivers by the Vatican tried to rip us off, but one driver came up to us and said "That guy's a communist. Come with me" and charged half what the first guy was asking. My wife is trying to locate the name of the company for you. Italy has the best tomatoes in the world. I have become addicted to buffo mozzarella, tomatoes, fresh basil with balsamic vinagrette. If you arrange a private tour make sure it includes a trip to the catacombs. I'll be back with more. We took a 2 week cruise along the coast of Italy one of our greatest vacations and a true feast for the eyes and stomach.
OK, back again I pulled the albums (yeah two of them filled with photos) and got some ideas. In Venice the gondola ride was a must for my wife. Our gondolier was obnoxious and rude to another couple in the gondola with us. His tip was minimal, but the gondolier behind us sang the entire route, and I tipped him more. Various parts of the ride were marred by the smell of sewage, but the views of the buildings and flower boxes sort of made up for it. The coastal towns of Amalfi, Positano, and Taormina were all intriguing with their multi colored buildings and ever present overflowing flower boxes. It appears that everyone in Italy has a green thumb. If you like plants, you will love that aspect. The private group that we used to tour Rome was "Tours by Locals." If you can make connections and decide to go with them, ask for Rolando as your guide. He was outstanding! My wife arranged that part of the trip through the computer, and we were very satisfied with the company and Rolando. It's the only time I have ever ridden in a Mercedes.
If visiting Capri is part of your trip, take the chair lift to the upper level (think it's called ana capri) It was a peaceful, beautiful 15 minute ride. Immediately upon exiting the chair lift look over the stone wall down to the right. It's a beautiful view of the ocean and whirling sea birds and cliffs. A dazzing mixture of greens, blues, black(cliffs) and white sea birds. This one moment when I looked down to the ocean may have been the highlight of the trip for me. Somewhere if possible arrange a trip to a vineyard for a wine tasting. We went to two (I don't drink) and both were great with a short trip through the countryside and great meats, tomatoes, cheeses, and breads at the tastings. We conducted a gellato survey eating some in every town we visited. All were outstanding. Can't find anything like it here at home. I'm rambling and filled with envy. Enjoy the people, sights, sounds, colors, and tastes of Italy. edited to add: As others have noted, always have some smaller Euros in your pocket as all bathrooms are "pay to go."
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Just wanted to say major congratulations to you for getting to go to Italy. I am hoping in this next year to get my dual citizenship - my grandparents were from Sicily - and to go to Caccamo, where Papa was from. We still have relatives over there.

Have a safe and great time & please take some pics to post for the rest of us left behind!
panne cotte (like creme brulee)
bread soup
real pizza
a meal in a tratorria that is full of locals
pointing at food or drink other people are enjoying and saying you want that
a visit to a bakery for small, beautiful, wonderful pastries that look almost too pretty to eat
local veggies, wine and cheese

Mosaics in Venice, St Marks Square (Europe's drawing room according to Napoleon) and feed the pigeons, Murano, water taxis and churches
Florence: Uffizi and the David, steak, any of the surrounding towns, churches with amazing art, Ponte Vechhio,
Rome: mail something from the Vatican post office.....

I want to go. If you get near Lake Como and the season is appropriate, many old estates have their gardens open to the public. They are quite possibly the most amazing gardens I've ever seen. We were there in the spring when the azaleas and rhodendrons were blooming. Some of the bushes were 30 feet tall and 30 feet long, in colors I'd never seen before.
I'm back!!!! It was an incredible trip and I had a blast. Thanks to you all for you advice on the front end. It was VERY helpful.

A couple of pictures for you just for fun-

Venice on the Grand Canal



The forum ruins

Inside St. Peters/The Vatican

A wine store

Cool countertop

Looking back at Mt. Vesuvius

Entry way mosaic that says "Beware the dog"
Ancient Roman humor!

The city bakery

I think I took over 700 pictures so I can post these for days!

The food was AMAZING!! We had gelato almost every night. YUM. My favorite was the lasagna in Venice. We ate like pigs and then spent all day walking it back off. It was an amazing experience!
So glad you had a great time! Looks like you saw some good stuff and took great pictures too! I do not regret my trip overseas and recommend it to everyone. SO cool seeing the days of old!
Thanks for the update. Your pictures brought back the memories. Glad the trip went well. Did you get to Murano and Burano? Sourland George

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