Golden 300 help

I have over 500 Goldens. My first guess would be she is molting and not going to lay until she is done. Many of my ducks are as you describe. The wings are the final stage of the molt. Once she is done replacing those, she should restart laying. Giving her some extra protein right now would help.

Definitely post a pic though. Also, if you can pick her up and look to be sure she doesn't have a bug infestation, that would be a good idea.
No bugs, she's held daily. Your information helps a lot and puts me at ease. I really appreciate it. I will post a picture tomorrow.
Late last summer 2 of my runner ducks molted and I was sure they were dying. It was my first year having ducks and I hadn't found BYC yet so I didn't have much good information. Don't panic, you've got good information from this site and lots of people who will help. Be sure to post a picture today!
Here are pictures of Mel this morning... 20190216_084402_Burst01-1.jpg 20190216_084402_Burst01-1.jpg 20190216_084336_Burst01.jpg 20190216_084139-1.jpg 20190216_084127-1.jpg
Just molt. She is going to look GREAT when all those pin feathers open up. I once heard that stress can induce a molt, like the stress of her moving, but I don't know if there is truth to that. A bird molting isn't likely to lay, and also a bird that just moved to a new home isn't likely to lay, so give her time, I wouldn't worry about the lack of eggs now. Make sure she has access to a bath because molting can be itchy messy business. Everything will be just fine soon!

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