Golden Laced Wyandotte Thread!

My 2 new GLW from the same breeder as the one I posted before. Hoping they are just as perfect and with them both running to the front, I worry they may both be roosters. I just hope one is blue laced.
tell me if this just has another breed or is it the start of a young roo? cant see any hackle fathers but is the only one with this big comb

this is how the others look

tell me if this just has another breed or is it the start of a young roo? cant see any hackle fathers but is the only one with this big comb this is how the others look
We'd need a whole body photo to determine exact breed. But from what I can see it looks like a single combed GLW cockerel (single combs are a frequent flaw in hatchery stock GLW). The single comb and the fact that it looks to be a cockerel would be an unrelated coincidence, though.
I've never seen a Wyandotte with a comb like that before... that's odd. Do you know what they are suposed to look like? I can post a pic.



Not my pics. Found them online as examples of comb shape.

True Wyandotte's have a rose comb
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yeah that was the question in my head its supposed to be GLW, ill get full body it looks color wise just like did have brighter colors and more spotty colors as a day old chick I kept up with it till now cant tell of any hackle feathers. the others are much brighter than this one their new feathers have an iridescent look in the black rich red colors.
yeah that was the question in my head its supposed to be GLW, ill get full body it looks color wise just like did have brighter colors and more spotty colors as a day old chick I kept up with it till now cant tell of any hackle feathers. the others are much brighter than this one their new feathers have an iridescent look in the black rich red colors.
The single comb is a recessive gene, which is why it pops up in breeder stock as well as hatchery stock. Your SC chick is a cockerel, but the SC is independent of gender - I've had some SC pullets, though most have tended to be cockerels in my F1 generation. The single comb is a disqualifying fault, but lingers on in the gene pool because there are folks who believe the rose comb is associated with lower fertility rate, so they will sometimes cross a SC in if they feel they aren't getting a good enough fertility rate.
Well back with some better feather pictures full body.. the color is under more layers. The heat and yummies helped me get better look.
It has a much richer rust red on its back I still cant see for certain if pointy but sure is the color of roo feathers!

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