gonna ground me some kids! WARNING RANT AND PO'D IN GENERAL!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Boyd...Can't wait till you get your eggs...they should be in tip top shape! If the P.O. doesn't let us down.
Let me know when they arrive!
My po calls me so I can pick them up. they tell me that my eggs or birds usually come in their own bin with a moving blanket
Then again, I live in a township with 300 households

And I bribe with fresh eggs
I wasn't spanked. I most likely SHOULD'VE been. Mr. Saddi, reading as I'm typing is offering to spank me to make up for lost time.

His parents were of the "how dare you interrupt my beer by acting up" sort, switches, belts and kitchen spoons there.
i make my younger ones do this..oh the show they try to put on, as if they are being led to the gallows!

Little did I know, I provided the nights entertainment trying to select the proper switch... they would watch me walking dejectedly through the backyard towards the treeline while I took forever looking for the "right" one.

I am not sure if the kids are going to fess up at this point. I'm going to leave them alone till the morning unless somebody suddenly gets diarrhea of the mouth.
Being a warrior at heart I prefer Sun Tzu

My favorites...

"Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive; plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live. When people fall into danger, they are then able to strive for victory. "

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.

and of course the one I live and die by.......

To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.
OMG yes and you better not bring back no whimpy switch either...my grandmother would whip you with it across the back of the legs all the way back to the trees to find a good one for the "switching"...so you got it twice!

My son was speaking with my parents one day about me as a child. My father told him I rarely gave them any trouble. My son wanted to know why. Simple...I lived with my parents, 2 sets of grandparents and a great grandparent from each side...so if I got in trouble I did not get one spanking I got 8! It was just not feasible or wise to give them problems.
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