Good/bad experiences with ordering day-old chicks from MyPetChicken?


Mother Goose
10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Central Ohio
I ordered some from them, since they don't have a huge chick order requirement. Do any of you have any feedback on them?

Thank you!
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Check out the thread "no chicks from meyers" Glad I just went to the feed store. It must be nerve racking. was "Shipping confirmation...sort of.." I read so many it is hard for me to remember
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I ordered from them because of the minimum shipments. I had problems in the ordering process.

First they confirmed my order for 3 chicks, however, informed me they were coming in 4 days, not the 3 weeks date I had asked for. So got on the phone and was told I had to order 8 chicks. So I asked them to cancel the order, after which they said "sure, $10 cancellation fee." I raised a stink and got that waived.

So then I worked something out with a friend to have the chicks shipped to her, I come get them, feed them, warm them and stay the night then bring them home. Re-submitted my order, this time clarifying the date I want (the date listed on their page). They never confirm ship date, but when I call to find out, they've pushed it back a week to be "safe" because of the first mix-up!!!! So mad at this point.

They were, however, able to call the hatchery and get the chicks sent when I wanted. My chicks arrived on the Tuesday morning having been shipped Monday. All were alive when I got them (I decided to up my order to 5). One died 2 days later. The others are now a week and a half old.

You will NOT get a tracking number or shipment confirmation from them, and they can't get one from the hatchery until Thursday.

I don't love them. having been on this site now, I think I'd look for a local breeder, but I had a hard time figuring out where one starts with all this stuff. I do love my chickies though

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