Good brown-egg layers (BEST large brown egg layers)


10 Years
Jun 28, 2009
ANyone know any good brown egg layers? We already have black australorps and RIRs any other good ones? I heard that a lot of poeple have buff orpingtons...
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There are lots of other great brown egg layers like Orpingtons, Sexlinks, and several others, but my personal favorite is Barred Rocks. They are great layers of large brown eggs even in the hot summer, they are the most docile of any breed I have ever had, and sometimes they will go broody for you.
I have one barred Rock in the flock and she chatters, clucks, and is always talking up a storm. She is always carrying on a conversation with herself I guess, the others just ignore her
she is my favorite by the way!
Wow~ alot of people said Barred Rocks! well, does anyone have an average of about how much eggs a barred rock lays a year? They dont lay in the winter do they? are there any that do? Thanks for all the replies!
Sex-Links are very consistent layers of large, brown eggs. Probably the best brown egg layers if you are looking at numbers of eggs laid.

I have BR's and BO's right now....I would say the BR's are somewhat better layers than the BO's, but the BO's are very sweet (more likely to be broody though).
Ok, I think i've got some good replies! So, everyone out there with one of these birds (or both) can answer this question! Would you recommend a Barred Rock, or Black Sex-Link? (My dad would like to go for egg-production, but either one is good
) so, any opinions?

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