Good brown-egg layers (BEST large brown egg layers)

white rocks and black australorps and buff orps all give great eggs. i get lots of double yolks from my white rocks. have one double yolk in the incubator even now as we speak.
Well, the black sex link is half barred rock.... And should have better egg production, at least if you are getting them from a hatchery.
I love my Isa Browns they are great! Or if you can get Isa BrownsxRIR then you will get some very pretty chickens that are great egg layers
My Barred and Partridge rocks lay year round and scarcely stop for molting. Hard to beat that, some of them did not stop to molt only lay every other day. And the Partridge Rocks even go broody at times, but not with nuisance regularity.

Currently I'm raising delawares, which have quite a large egg for very young pullets. We'll see how they over winter but it looks great.
Like I said earlier, I think you should go with the Barred Rocks. I read somewhere that sexlinks lay really good to begin with, but then they burn out faster than purebreeds. So maybe you can try both, but I think you should definitely get some Barred Rock, you can't go wrong with them!!
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Thanks for all the replies! Wow so a lot of people still stuck with Barred Rocks! I guess those are some pretty good birds then!
I'm telling you most colors of Rocks, just Rock. Barreds happen to be the MOST common but GOOD breeder barreds aren't as common.

And I'm truly fond of Blue and Black Rocks I got to hatch from eggs from Halo a breeder here, and they're bigger than my barreds and my partridge rocks. I want more...

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