Good bushes to plant for chickens

I love your frames! That is what we are trying to do with or run. Did you have to staple you wire to the tree around the trunk?

okay back to planting in a run
I have a grass box made of landscape timbers and hardware cloth. the grass grows up through the wire and they can eat it but they can't scratch in it and kill it, works great. Just don't put it under the roosts and remember to water I already had to replant once because I forgot to water it

I planted all my flowers and shrubs outside the run looks nice and they can't dig it up. Which I have found seems to be worse then them eating it
Mine will be able to have the entire garden to themselves
God only knows what they are going to find out there
hopefully there shall be nothing poisonous, but it looks like regular weeds to me

And that is a very nice coop you have got!
The only bushes that grew back in my run are seven bark and privet. Privet is listed as poisonous, but I guess they don't like it anyway, since it's still there...
I love your frames! That is what we are trying to do with or run. Did you have to staple you wire to the tree around the trunk?

okay back to planting in a run
I have a grass box made of landscape timbers and hardware cloth. the grass grows up through the wire and they can eat it but they can't scratch in it and kill it, works great. Just don't put it under the roosts and remember to water I already had to replant once because I forgot to water it

I planted all my flowers and shrubs outside the run looks nice and they can't dig it up. Which I have found seems to be worse then them eating it

Thank you! Right now the wire is not stapled to the tree but we do need to secure it, and will probably staple it. Either that or wrap more wire on either side to make it tight. We won't leave our birds out over night, so the roof is mainly to keep out flying predators.
You could also try putting in potted plants for a week at a time, bring them out for recovery and switch some new ones in. I did this for my first year chicken coop.
If you plant things you will have to cover them up to protect from digging and dust bathing.
I have grape vines planted outside of my duck run. The vines grow up the sides and over the top. And leaves that poke through to their side of the fence are fair game. Same with any fruit that falls inside. The rest are mine. Gives them snacks and shade in the summer.

I also have a Japanese spirea plant INSIDE the run. The ducks sleep under it, but don't eat it. Not sure what a chicken would do to it though.
I had the same idea with the grape vines but apparently dogs like to dig up and chew on grape vines, will try it again in the future.
Thank you, what great suggestions. This is my first season with my 6 girls and one rescue rooster. I realize next year I'll be building an addition onto the run so they have more room to run around. Based on your suggestions, I'll be erecting some more toys today inside the run, and planting some climbing bushes just outside the run on the sunny side for shade. perfect!

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