Good Deal?

They are doing excellent and are reintroduced to the others. My mom is having an indoor and outdoor cage built for them as she loves the idea of having twins. I wish I had my camera but my brother took it with him to the beach. So far I have 15 out of the original 24 hatched with more showing pips. The guy lied about his chickens being all RIR though as I got two chicks that are mostly yellow, no comb at all and has a black spot on their head with one black stripe down the back. Maybe Wyandotte?

But, I cannot complain as they are 1.50 a dozen and two of my chickens I bought from a local feed store were listed as Golden Laced Wyandotte but are barred with a single comb . If I can find a camera around the house I'll take some photos. I'm so happy I read these forums on hatching first.
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I am so glad that your hatch is going well. I wouldn't be complaining about $1.50/doz. either. The way that you have to look at this is that you now have some little surprises to look forward to. Keep us posted.

Interesting, your fertilized egg yielding two chickens. Yesterday here in New Zealand, I opened 3 eggs, knowing they were late, and most probably dead. Two were normal lavender araucana chicks, but the third yielded a black and a lavender chick fro mthe same egg. It was a large one, same size as the other two singles, definitely not in the usual double yolker range, of which I have one that I prepared as a blown egg a few months earlier.
It is interesting, these chicks were much smaller naturally, but just as much formed as the other two normals, dying in the shell at about day 18, - 3 days before hatch time, and that day we experienced a power failure, which I had thought was only 20 minutes, but now hubby tells me it was more than an hour. I had had 5 eggs in a hovabator, and that day 18 had candeled them, wondering why one egg has such a tiny air sac, now I see it has a sac each end, for each chick.
Tell me , did your chicks hatch out live, and if so, how are they doing now - what age. Would you have any photos, also, what breed. I am very very intrigued. Ruth
I got 21 chicks out of 24 eggs. A couple weren't fertile and I missed it and 2 died somewhere along development. The guy said they were RIR stock from Murray McMurray and suppose that the 3 odd colored chicks with no comb are confirmation that his one free rare chick is still alive.

Yes the double yolked egg hatched with two slightly smaller chicks my mom named Fiddle and Faddle. They are doing well about a day and half old or so (hard to tell since I stayed up all night and fell asleep in the chair several times). They were slower and took longer walking so the other chicks kind of bullied them at first but they get along now.

I think I'll wire up a fan next time (still air) as the hatch was long with eggs on one side hatching day 19, In the middle 20-21, The other end day 22 (This is where all the dead ones were).
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