Good First Horror Movie For My 11 Year Old

my 16 year old wanted to watch it too! my husband has it on the list of movies on our xbox so i had him immediately move it to the password protected list of movies.

I've only seen bits and pieces of that movie and it disturbed me and I am hard to disturb!
not really, i mean it has some pretty dirty parts but the underlying meaning makes sense..definitely not a kids movie though.
When in doubt, go with a classic.

Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Vincent Price, the old black and white movies are a good start on becoming a horror junkie.

Or, if your child is more into comedic horror, try one of the Scyfy channel's monster of the week movies and have a good laugh together at the sheer cheesiness.

Or pick a 'horror' movie with deliberate comedic overtones. Army of Darkness is a good one.

That movie scared the heck out of me as a kid. I slept with my closet light on for weeks after watching that.
Malcolm McDowell is disturbing and just plain weird

have you ever seen Cat People where he wakes up after shredding the um... lady of the evening... and grabs a piece of her off of his stomach and eats it while grooming himself for the day?

Just thinking about that makes me shudder. eeeewwwwwwww!!!

I think Sixth Sense is a good choice.....the grossest part of the movie is when the little girl pukes up green stuff. AND I love Bruce Willis.

Also... I would like to suggest a Stephen IT! I saw that when I was around 10 or 11 and it scared the pants off me....I still freak out when I see a lone wandering! or Langoleers...(I don't know if I spelled it right) but that one was a little boring.

One more that just popped into my head, if you like science fiction, is Predator....not a horror film, but a little scary.
Little shop, little shop of horrors....boop de boop...little shop of horrors!

I would advise against "IT "by stephen king

I still won't walk near the sewer drains,LOL Totally super scary and i still have nightmares
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