good rooster gone bad


12 Years
Aug 21, 2009
Belding Michigan
I have a 3yr old roo that has never gone after any one, not even little kids. This AM I guess I pushed to far. I was dusting all the birds with & 7's started with him, did all the others but 1 that got loose, so they are all outside now (dusted in the coop) I netted the hen I missed went to pick her up and my GOOD Roo went at me and got my arm. My question is is this likely to become a common problem now that he has gone after me once. I kicked him away then netted him and picked him up talked to him and locked him in the coop while I showered and fixed a treat for the hens. when I went back out I went in the coop talked to him picked him up again and talked some more then brought him and the treat to the girls. Would hate to have to get rid of him as he has been very good and is a good watchdog, warns the hens of hawks ect.
I would keep him and see how he acts, but if he starts attacking people then he should be taken to freezer camp.
My rooster Pretty Boy(Tan one in my Avatar) he attacked me once when I picked up my cochin hen and has never done it again. I pick him up all the time and he doesn't care. He let's me touch his tail. They follow me everywhere I go. He got over it I think once he realized that he could trust me with her cause I pick her up now and he doesn't do anything.
I could NOT tolerate a bad rooster (aggressive to humans - mean to my hens). However, everyone has a bad day. It sounds as if your struggle with the hen was above and beyond your normal handling of them, and that he was trying to protect her.
So I would give him another chance - but maybe you should pick him up and carry him around a bit over the next few days. Now - if it happened again anytime soon, I'd have to opt for eating/rehoming.
Thanks all, I left them alone all day brought them treats a couple times. Sunday left overs, He seems to be back to normal but it will be a while before I trust him with the little kids. 23yr old grand son was in talking to the hens and he seemed fine. I don't tolerate mean roo's either. we have had a few but they went to camp.Time will tell

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