Good thoughts and vibes please......


11 Years
Jun 4, 2008
Our dear friends lost their home today to a fire! Thankfully no one was home at the time the fire started (I don't have word on their pets yet though) but understandably they are devistated! If you are curious here is a link to local news, if you look at the pictures their 13 year old daughter (oldest of 3) is the blond sitting on the ground in the 3rd or 4th picture. Please send them your good thoughts and vibes they need it as well as any prayers, our church has already started our phone tree and we are all working on several things but they lost everything today- everything material that is!

Here's the link:

Thank you
Smpezzi, I'm sending prayers their way! I hope the girl gets what she needs for school soon so that her education isn't affected. Sometimes contacting the school helps; you'd be surprised what teachers are willing to do to help out a student in need.

(By the way, I grew up in mid-Michigan -- rural Tri-Cities area...).
We are working on getting things for the girls for school- thankfully school doesn't start until Sept 2 here so we have some time to get things together. We are working hard to get the word out and do all we can do. The 13 year old is staying with a friend tonight and everyone else is staying at Grandma's tonight. Pets all made it out. The whole house is a loss

Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers

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