Good treats for baby chicks

Mine also have a mirror and blocks to Perch on I ordered a wooden perch should be here soon
They need the grit before any treats other than their feed or eggs
What is the difference between grit and their starter feed? Or is it the same thing?
I’m brand new to chickens, I’ve only raised ducks so far.
Right now I have 3 9 day old chicks in my kitchen. Lol!
I have lots of toys, mirrors and swings in their brooder box so they don’t get bored.
My neighbor actually gives his chicks cooked peas at just a few days old. I tried just a few and they loved them! ❤️❤️❤️
What is the difference between grit and their starter feed? Or is it the same thing?
I’m brand new to chickens, I’ve only raised ducks so far.
Right now I have 3 9 day old chicks in my kitchen. Lol!
I have lots of toys, mirrors and swings in their brooder box so they don’t get bored.
My neighbor actually gives his chicks cooked peas at just a few days old. I tried just a few and they loved them! ❤️❤️❤️

Feed is food.

Grit is finely-crushed granite to aid in their digestion. Birds use small stones in their gizzard to grind up the food they eat instead of teeth. :)
Feed is food.

Grit is finely-crushed granite to aid in their digestion. Birds use small stones in their gizzard to grind up the food they eat instead of teeth. :)
Thank you so much!
So I should also get a bag of grit and separate it from their food?
I’ve put their food in a tray because they LOVE to scratch, but they kick their food and wood shavings into their water even though I keep it elevated.
I’m constantly changing their water because within 5 minutes it’s filthy!
These are my first chicks so im a complete novice!
I’m afraid of them drinking dirty water, is it ok if they get their food and shavings into it, or should I continue to clean it constantly?

What is the difference between grit and their starter feed? Or is it the same thing?
I’m brand new to chickens, I’ve only raised ducks so far.
Right now I have 3 9 day old chicks in my kitchen. Lol!
I have lots of toys, mirrors and swings in their brooder box so they don’t get bored.
My neighbor actually gives his chicks cooked peas at just a few days old. I tried just a few and they loved them! ❤️❤️❤️
Looks like you already have an answer from @3KillerBs.
So I should also get a bag of grit and separate it from their food?
Yes, I always give hatchlings chick grit within their first week of age it isn't necessary if they are only eating chick starter, but I always do just in case they eat something like bedding or get ahold of something else they aren't supposed to eat. With you giving them other things besides their feed I would get them some chick grit.
I’ve put their food in a tray because they LOVE to scratch, but they kick their food and wood shavings into their water even though I keep it elevated.
I’m constantly changing their water because within 5 minutes it’s filthy!
These are my first chicks so im a complete novice!
I’m afraid of them drinking dirty water, is it ok if they get their food and shavings into it, or should I continue to clean it constantly?
Put their food in a more closed off feeder (I used to use a paper plate, it was a mess) so they can't throw it everywhere.

The waterer will need to be emptied several times a day if they keep soiling it.

I don't know how high up you have feeder and waterer elevated, but putting them higher (i.e. on a brick) might help.

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