Good vibes in Colorado: Now the Bungie & Uno story

Going to Big R on Monday to buy JJ some buddies
99% sure this is a pure bred khaki...





JJ is snuggled up to the turkey feather duster. I will take more photos after the little bugger naps and gets in to a better position for photos.
Well, with me as a first time clueless hatcher, I am amazed she is OK. Tough little cookie is all I can say

It is really blowing my mind how quickly they become alert. I am used to puppies and kittens that are completely blind and helpless for so long.

JJ already looks you straight in the eye and tells you all about her day

Thanks again everyone for all the good vibes, advice and encouragement. I'll get JJ on those thank you cards as soon as he/she gets this whole balance thing worked out. (Poor baby keeps trying to preen and falls over! LOLOL)
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