Goofy Standard/Banty?


11 Years
Jun 11, 2008
Front Range, Colorado
I need advice on this one. I have a cuckoo maran, Coco, who turns a month old today. When we got her we also got a late hatch maran who didn't make it.
Since she was lonely we added 2 silkies a day after the little maran passed. Coco took the new babies and a sebright under her wing and the 4 became best buddies! They eat together, cuddles eachother, and get a long great. Here's my problem, I was planning on keeping the bantam is a seperate coop from my standard hens. (I have a few mean ones in there). I was planning on putting Coco in with the big girls, but now I feel bad seperating her from her brooder buddies. I have no idea what to do!! I should I seperate them or should Coco be the only standard in banty land?

Thanks for the help!!
Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a try! I finishing up the coop now, so I guess that means I just need to add a larger next box. I was doing all of my measurements based on banties.


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