Google Photo Search Links Don't Work


BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Jun 24, 2012
The Golden State
I have posted so many pictures on BYC that it often easiest for me to Google my name and a subject likely to have the picture I'm looking for. For example: "ivermectin paste casportpony", that comes up with this:

That is the picture I want, but I also want the text in the post with it, so I click on the "view page" button and it takes me here:

There are no pictures on page 3, but they are on page 7 in post #62:
There are no pictures on page 3, but they are on page 7 in post #62:

I believe that's because Google is trying to catch up with re-indexing all our pages and images properly. Hopefully it won't take them too long, but we have LOTS of content!

In the interim, if you see the old like is something like:
and look at that # (60) and then you can go to the page it redirects you to:

... then you can go to page 7 (where the 60th post starts) and you'll see the image.

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