goopy eye on chick?? help


5 Years
Dec 9, 2014
Central Fl
Just noticed one of my chicks has a wet/goopy eye on one side. First time dealing with this. What could it be?
What can I do? I have only had chickens since December.
She might have a scratch on her eye. Usually it will show up sooner that 5 weeks, but another chick cold have pecked her. You can try putting opthalmic antibiotics in the eye for 5 days. I used the cheap triple antibiotic stuff from the dollar store.
A picture may help. Are you seeing any others that look the same? Respiratory diseases such as MG can start out with eye drainage, swelling around the eyelid or face, and nasal drainage. But injuries are also a possibility. If there is thick or pus drainage, I would clean out the eye with saline, and apply antibiotic ointment as ochochicas has advised. If it smells bad or there is a cough or swelling around the eye, I would consider giving an antibiotic such as Tylan or oxytetracycline. Here is a link about the common respiratory diseases:

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