GOOSE BREEDING THREAD - for breeding, incubating, hatching and rearing.

I spent some time with mine this evening. It was warm today, 52° so when DH came home from work he watched the baby while i went to inspect the birds. No eggs, no nest building, nothing out of the normal. Same with the ducks.
I did get to watch the tufted x toulouse gozzie a little closer. I believe its a girl, has a deep voice when it honks. That doesnt mean much though, Stormy screams like her Daddy, Bill, and i know shes a girl. Guess i will just wait and see
Might as well sit back and relax when it happen it happens right?

If I hadn't seen mating with my own eyes I would swear Toots is a gander by the sound of her voice .
I got another egg! :celebrate ok so mom im not sure if she is going to want to brood or not but I can't leave the eggs unprotected because I have hens that are egg-eaters -_- the luck of keeping a four species of birds together!
I found 9 eggs so far I'm located in Louisiana if that helps u out to figure out who is laying first n where at
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This is my first breeding season with geese and I saw a reference on here to 'lobe' size and was wondering if that was a tell-tale sign of imminent egg laying or ???
I'm on the coast of California, half way between S.F. and L.A. and I've yet to notice any 'changes' in my birds. Except perhaps that my gander, Gus, seems to be
more of a bully towards the chickens that share HIS yard. Of course, as I mentioned, this IS my first breeding season (the geese's, not mine!), and I
really don't know what I'm looking for, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if I went out there right now and found an egg laying off to the side of the barn somewhere !!!
I have seen them mate, although it took a few tries before Gus figured out which end was the money-maker and which was Gabi's head, so I'm hoping that
the eggs will be fertile. Are ganders anything like drakes (ducks) in that sometimes they'll mate with either sex...just because? Or are they more particular? I mean, really,
to each his own I say, but it might be nice to know that I've named them !!! Anyway, I'll take all the tips, tricks, advice and wizardy I can from anyone
willing to share their knowledge and experiences with me.
I am unsure if mine are actually mating or not I haven't seen the two together but my muscovy drakes mate with both my geese male and female so I'm curious if my geese eggs will be half muscovy!
It seems like everyone's birds are banging but mine! Lol. It's probably because I live in Wisconsin. My gander has certainly been louder and more protective of my goose but that's about it. I'm hoping for eggs in April or May.

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