Goose Egg Incubation

Here the little gosiling is now. Is is slanting his head a little more right now like he is preparing to zip. Any noise I make it starts cheeping. I can't wait til he comes out.
It looks like he is preparing to zip now. His whole body is now moving and I can hear his beak hitting the eggshell from my bed (maybe 7 feet away). I am freaking out so much...I have four alarms set throughout the night to ensure that he is okay and not drying out at all. I hate that he might have to be raised by himself if he hatches. Should I look into getting another goose? If so, what breeds?
Finally, at 3:18 this morning, the little gosling decided it was time to come out. Well, it did not work like that. He was malpositioned, pipping at the base of the egg, and did not do much of a "zip". It was more like a turn. I carefully took away pieces of shell and membrane, and fortunately, all of the veins had dried up. No sooner than I began, he was already out, chirping at everything he sees.

I thought the humidity was high enough, but the membrane was extremely tough. Even I had trouble tearing it. Anyways, here is a pic of the little guy:
Finally, at 3:18 this morning, the little gosling decided it was time to come out. Well, it did not work like that. He was malpositioned, pipping at the base of the egg, and did not do much of a "zip". It was more like a turn. I carefully took away pieces of shell and membrane, and fortunately, all of the veins had dried up. No sooner than I began, he was already out, chirping at everything he sees.

I thought the humidity was high enough, but the membrane was extremely tough. Even I had trouble tearing it. Anyways, here is a pic of the little guy:
Aww I am so happy for you that he made it..

How is he doing now?

If it was me I would try and find him a buddy they are extremely needy and unless you can spend all your time with this one it will be very unhappy.

Well, I guess he is doing great. He is still in the incubator. He was in a large incubator that was filled with turkey eggs, but they hatched before he did, so I moved them to a brinsea mini advance incubator. I had no idea of just how large a gosling is...he's twice (maybe three times) the size of a duckling. Here is a pic of him now. He cannot stand himself up yet, but he does push himself wherever he wants to go. He is extremely shaky:
I want to raise him outside quite a bit, so do y'all know the earliest that I could introduce him to the back yard? Is there anything that I should keep him away from (plants, animals,)?
If it's warm outside, I get mine out there by about day 3. Once he's steady on his feet and can hold his head up good. You can put him in a small play yard and let him eat grass. They make play yards for guinea pigs or dogs that's what I use.
I wrap chicken wire around it to keep the babies in, and cover it in bird netting so nothing can get the baby from above. Start out just letting him out for an hour or so and increase time everyday. But it needs to be warm out, I would say 75-80 degrees at least in the sun. He needs a friend, geese don't do well alone. Even a duckling or baby chick would work for right now. But really he needs another gosling to grow up with.
I want to raise him outside quite a bit, so do y'all know the earliest that I could introduce him to the back yard? Is there anything that I should keep him away from (plants, animals,)?
You'll need to check on line for what ever plants you may have in your yard he will come in contact with because geese nibble on everything.
As for what animals. All of them if they have teeth. I hope you can get him a buddy because he is going to be so lonely out side by himself.

He is adorable, be sure to give him some poultry vitamins in his water which you can offer anytime now you'll have to show him his water and his feed once you introduce feed which should be no later than tomorrow. Always have water when giving feed.
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Thanks so much y'all. I'll check to see when the next shipment of geese come into our local feed store. I'm going to try to get a Toulouse gosling to go with him--just so they will look somewhat similar.

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