goose egg incubation


13 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Northern Kentucky
How many days does Sebastapol Geese eggs need to incubate? I read that it is anywhere between 28-33 days. If that is the case and you need to stop turning three days before hatch, how would you when to stop? Thanks
Thanks...also what about humidity? I have a rcom20 which has a fan automatically controls the humidity. Someone read somewhere that you are supposed to take the lid of for 15 min. every day after day 4 and mist them with warm water until the egg has pipped through the sac and then stop and raise humidity. Have you done that with your eggs?
I have an rcom mini 3 egg incubator and the day I got these eggs is the day I discovered the top was missing! My incubator controls the humidity also. I put them on the duck setting and made a makeshift top which I'm not taking off until the replacement top gets here. You really don't have to spray and cool goose eggs, but it's a good idea to and yes I normally do, but I'm on day 6 and my new lid still isnt here. :[ During incubation humidity should be around 55% during incubation and and raised to 75% the last 3 days. I'm just trying to have faith that this incubator knows what its doing...

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