Goose felon


5 Years
May 23, 2014
Louisa, Virginia
I have three geese that I was talked into last year that I was assured they would chase off the foxes . I think they must see them coming and push the ducks and chickens in front of them. Anyway, they have always been very sweet to us but with the chickens and ducks they are bossy and with the ducks can be downright mean. Well two weeks ago I lost my beautiful drake to a fox attack and two days later came home to find my duck drowned in the bottom of the baby pool with its feathers pulled out. I have watched the male goose mating or sitting on them in the pool but had no idea he would drown it. Why would this happen?
I have three geese that I was talked into last year that I was assured they would chase off the foxes . I think they must see them coming and push the ducks and chickens in front of them. Anyway, they have always been very sweet to us but with the chickens and ducks they are bossy and with the ducks can be downright mean. Well two weeks ago I lost my beautiful drake to a fox attack and two days later came home to find my duck drowned in the bottom of the baby pool with its feathers pulled out. I have watched the male goose mating or sitting on them in the pool but had no idea he would drown it. Why would this happen?
Geese will not be able to protect any other animal including themselves from a Fox or any predator with teeth. Their only defense is their bluff and it doesn't go very far with a predator who is hungry. People who say they have gotten geese to protect their flock of chickens and ducks Has to find out the hard way most of the time. My geese only like themselves they don't like the chickens or the Muscovy ducks that live here too. They will surround the ducks and gang up on them so far none have been hurt but it's is just the way geese are.Yes the ganders will mate with a duck if she is crazy enough to stay in the pool when he gets in. I have been concerned about my ducks and ganders too, hopefully it doesn't happen here. Very sorry for your loss.
Thanks so much for your reply. I can say the rest of the ducks now move on out when the geese move on in. I love the geese and two days before I had lost my muscovy drake and hen to a fox or dog attack so to find her like this was a double slap. The muscovy drake always kept the geese in line and he was my favorite of my flock so I am heartbroken. I thought her story sounded a bit fishy and wanted to hold out for Embeden but she talked me into a "hybrid" LOL that she had designed for this purpose. OK put the idiot sign on my forehead!
Thanks so much for your reply. I can say the rest of the ducks now move on out when the geese move on in. I love the geese and two days before I had lost my muscovy drake and hen to a fox or dog attack so to find her like this was a double slap. The muscovy drake always kept the geese in line and he was my favorite of my flock so I am heartbroken. I thought her story sounded a bit fishy and wanted to hold out for Embeden but she talked me into a "hybrid" LOL that she had designed for this purpose. OK put the idiot sign on my forehead!
I'm so sorry about your drake they are such awesome birds and your hen , it's hard to know how best to protect our flock when we choose to free range most say you just have to expect losses but it still doesn't help the hurt of losing them, Just beware that fox will be back. No idiot sign going up at all.
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