Goose genetics


7 Years
Sep 14, 2012
Hi evreyone,I need some goose genetics help.I have some heritige piebald auto-sexing geese(ganders white,geese piebald tricolor white,blue and grey).And I am getting some performat hybrid geese.From other breeders who had the hybrids,I know they are extraordinary birds,fast growth,lay twice a year,large size and fast growth etc.I heard they were highly fertile,but the offspring resulted from them were completly infertile.So my question is if the 2 breeds would be crossed(hybrid x heritage) would result geese that are fertile for many generations like the heritige or will be infertile like the ones obtain from hybrids ? I really need your help,my farms future depends on what you say.Thank you guys and gals !
A good meat bird off course,and a bird with high fertility too so I can breed my own,this is for what I hope.So yeas mainly an utility bird.
Do I understand correctly that the hybrids themselves are highly fertile but their intercrosslings not anymore?
That is how I read it too. I think it should read that the crossed eggs are very fertile but the resulting hybrids are sterile. Canada/Domestic crosses are sterile. Snow Goose/Domestic crosses are fertile Hybrid/Hybrid or Hybid to either parent breed. I would guess that any real commercial hybrid would use genetically altered parent stock to keep people from doing what is proposed. Tom
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Yes you heard correctly,the hybirds themselves are highly fertile but their offspring are not.So will the half hybrid half heritige gosling fertile ?Cuz I used only diferent blood lines to produce the heritige birds I have so no geneticaly altered parents like the hybrids have.
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That the second generation is not fertile anymore does not make much sense, sorry.
Can you find out which species are involved and which of those is the "mother" of the hybrids?

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