Goose going back to nest

Geese are usually great parents, both the goose and gander . . . unlike deadbeat drakes! Maybe a predator got one of her eggs, which is possibly why she became much more protective.
I is possible, but I cannot see where anything could get in except of course a bird. We did have trouble with a Crane catching chicks when the people still had chickens in the small holding behind us and she did have them a little out of the nest at one stage, that may just be why she became so protective. We will have to tell the people at the back to keep a watch out for us, They are very friendly and always willing to help.
There are six, but once again I have the problem of het not going back to the nest. She has them out and it is cold they sitting in a cluster but I do not know how to get her to go back to the nest with them
There are six, but once again I have the problem of het not going back to the nest. She has them out and it is cold they sitting in a cluster but I do not know how to get her to go back to the nest with them
Well, she doesn't have to be on the nest with them to keep them warm, and the other egg may be rotten, so you don't want the goslings breathing the fumes. Once she is finished with hatching, she doesn't have need for the nest.
How cold is it? Others here may be able to give you advice on that matter. I've never seen goslings hatched except in the spring and summer. I did see a Muscovy duck once who had ducklings in December, and we do have winter here. Saw them only once and never saw them again.

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