Goose going back to nest

It is just that it is suddenly cold! We are going to remove the other egg, as you say it will not hatch

It is spring here now so I suppose I am worried unnecessarily I see the temperature is 21 degrees Celsius but a cold wind blowing.
Can you give here a wind shelter her down should be able to do the rest. The babies should clime right into her wings and you gander should be offing them his warm body to. They usually dont go back to there nest with the babies. At least mine dont. Since your in South Africa what type of goose do you have. I know you have allot of the same breeds we do here in the US.
The Gander is an Embden but I think the Goose is a mixed breed but more Embden. They are both a little lighter than what the average weight for Embden is but they look healthy and in good condition so I do not worry about that anymore
They have plenty of down to get the job done. My geese are African thought you would get a kick out of that. They have been with the babies at 40 degree F night and done fine.
The Gander is an Embden but I think the Goose is a mixed breed but more Embden. They are both a little lighter than what the average weight for Embden is but they look healthy and in good condition so I do not worry about that anymore
Embdens are the best geese! The one I "knew" from the duck park, Grander The Gander, was the best father, too! He would take his goslings out of the park, into the adjoining neighborhood, and proudly march them down the sidewalk, showing them off.
Candle the last egg before you toss it. It could be a day or two behind the others. You can finish it with a heat lamp if you have to.
I like to confine the new babies to a rather small area for the first week until they get stronger and know that they can find mom when they get too cold.
Unfortunately the egg is col already we tought of candling it hatch it under a lamp to late.

We are sick with worry as it is pouring and she refuses to take them to their normal sleeping under the gazebo. They sat under her all night, it is 6:30 here now. They are still all alive. She let them drink andpeck around a little and now she is sitting with them under her wings again.

We also have no luck getting to the food, so will just have to hope for the best. The promblem is that the goose and grander are still very weary of humans we have never been able to get them to come close to us
can you find a small grains or scratch and sprinkle it in the area they spend the most time in. If you have allot of bugs and green stuff around they will probably be fine also lots of little puddles of water or shallow dishes of water. only time will tell but it sounds like the parents are doing a good job.

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