GOS pig

Gloucestershire is a cider country, so the legend goes that the dark spots on their back is where the apples fell and hit them.
that is cute greyfields. I had never heard that. I knew they were orchard pigs.

Soonerdogs- She will have friends as soon as the main pen is finished. My boyfriend hurt his knee and may have to have surgery so I'm having a little trouble finishing it myself at the moment.

I had put her in the temp pen for the goats, but one of my goats head butted her a few times. I think the goat was a little scared and felt confined. They are all going in a large pen that needs t-posts beat in and the fence stretched. The corner and brace posts are all complete. So at the moment she is in the chicken yard plowing it up and they are enjoying the fact they can get to new dirt. Of course she is all dirty and has chicken poop on her now. Glad I got pics when I did.
Yesterday 12:27 am

I had put her in the temp pen for the goats, but one of my goats head butted her a few times. I think the goat was a little scared and felt confined. They are all going in a large pen that needs t-posts beat in and the fence stretched. The corner and brace posts are all complete. So at the moment she is in the chicken yard plowing it up and they are enjoying the fact they can get to new dirt. Of course she is all dirty and has chicken poop on her now. Glad I got pics when I did.

I like the updated pic! Although I have the baby pic saved to my comp! I told you- you are absoultely welcome to the smaller dog pen at my house for the piggy- just drop by and get it. Although I rather think your chickens might love your pig by now!​
I used to have a Gleshire Old Spot.. she had the best temperment ever. Every Sunday while the guys would watch football ( I don't do football) I would bake cookies. Never did I bake a batch that I didn't say "opps burned some" and run them out to Spot before anyone noticed they weren't burnt LOL.. She also loved scrambled eggs, and her belly scratched with one of those spagetti noodle spoon strainer things...

I hope you have as much fun with your guilt as I had with mine.
I now have a Red Waddle gilt Im debating on what to do with.
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I have a Duroc cross pig named Tina. She's right around 300 #'s now. She likes her ears, eyes, and tummy rubbed. When she was smaller she would throw herself on the ground so I could have better access to her belly.

She gets all kinds of people food (and pig chow!) I always let her have some of whatever I'm eating. She's like an extra giant dog!

You have an adorable pig, I wish I could have gotten a spot, but no one has any around here. Most of the people I contacted when I was looking for a pig couldn't even tell me what breed they had!
and she does deserve her own thread. So sweeeeet
I could not butcher her either. I would love to raise my own pork but I don't know if I have what it takes
She and her babies would be in my living room with their own doggy bed!
I'm already in love with the GOS temperment. She is very calm except for her excitement when it comes to food. I'll have to try to make a video of her.

She came from a breeder in Illinois and he drove her to Chattanooga where I met him. She squealed when he grabbed her from his crate. Calmed down in his hands and lied down as soon as she got in my crate. I would love to get a GOS boar for her. Than I could sell breeding stock and feeders. lol just don't know if I could eat one as sweet as her.

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