Gosh, how much longer? D;


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 14, 2012
I have 12 ISAs, 22 weeks old. Not ONE has laid one egg yet.

Whats going on here? I let them out at 6;30 AM every morning, and I put them in at 9;30 at night, every day...

I have a 8 amereacanas as well.. but their younger then the ISAs I know that for sure, probably about 18-19 weeks.

Why won't my ISAs lay yet? xD

I thought it was between 18-21 weeks?


It's really hot right now which can slow down laying. They will lay when they are ready, not when some statistic says they should. Look at their faces, combs and wattles. The ones with the reddest faces, combs and wattles are coming into lay.
There are quite a bit that are extremely red.

Should be anyday but I've been waiting for like 2 weeks! haha. Tired of looking at my golfballs every morning/night! xD
I was sure my Wellsummer pullets were laying in the hay barn. They have been singing the egg song for a week but no eggs. My husband finally found their stash today - 13 pullet size dark brown eggs. I put them in water and two did not stay flat on the bottom so I threw them out. Now we need to find the easter eggers eggs.

Keep looking!
My 12 leg horns were hatched on March 9th. I have never had layers befor and i have been waiting waiting and looking at golf balls also. Finaly Yesterday we found 2 in the nests. We also let them out in the morning to free range and put them up and dusk.
Alright thanks guys!

Im gunna go looking for some eggs, they might be in the haymow. >.<

I will be a little more patient xD

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